This projects allows you to quickly and easily fetch data from
Using the API is really simple if you have CocoaPods installed.
Add the dependency to your
pod 'OpenWeatherMapAPI', '~> 0.0.3'
Include the header
#import "OWMWeatherAPI.h"
. -
Setup the api:
// Setup weather api OWMWeatherAPI *weatherAPI = [[OWMWeatherAPI alloc] initWithAPIKey:@"YOUR-API-KEY"];
Select the default temperature format (defaults to Celcius)
[weatherAPI setTemperatureFormat:kOWMTempCelcius];
The api is at this time just simple wrapper for the http-api. So to get the current weather for
the city Odense
you can call it like this:
[weatherAPI currentWeatherByCityName:@"Odense" withCallback:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *result) {
if (error) {
// handle the error
// The data is ready
NSString *cityName = result[@"name"];
NSNumber *currentTemp = result[@"main"][@"temp"];
The result data is a NSDictionary
that looks like
this (json):
coord: {
lon: 10.38831,
lat: 55.395939
sys: {
country: "DK",
sunrise: 1371695759, // this is an NSDate
sunset: 1371758660 // this is also converted to a NSDate
weather: [
id: 800,
main: "Clear",
description: "Sky is Clear",
icon: "01d"
base: "global stations",
main: {
temp: 295.006, // this is the the temperature format you´ve selected
temp_min: 295.006, // --"--
temp_max: 295.006, // --"--
pressure: 1020.58,
sea_level: 1023.73,
grnd_level: 1020.58,
humidity: 80
wind: {
speed: 6.47,
deg: 40.0018
clouds: {
all: 0
dt: 1371756382,
id: 2615876,
name: "Odense",
cod: 200
See an example in the OWMViewController.m
The following methods are availabe at this time:
current weather by city name:
-(void) currentWeatherByCityName:(NSString *) name
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
current weather by coordinate:
-(void) currentWeatherByCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
current weather by city id:
-(void) currentWeatherByCityId:(NSString *) cityId
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
forcast by city name:
-(void) forecastWeatherByCityName:(NSString *) name
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
forcast by coordinate:
-(void) forecastWeatherByCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
forcast by city id:
-(void) forecastWeatherByCityId:(NSString *) cityId
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
daily forcast by city name:
-(void) dailyForecastWeatherByCityName:(NSString *) name
withCount:(int) count
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
daily forcast by coordinates:
-(void) dailyForecastWeatherByCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate
withCount:(int) count
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
daily forcast by city id:
-(void) dailyForecastWeatherByCityId:(NSString *) cityId
withCount:(int) count
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;