Using the Google Cast plugin, Developers can extend the media to another TV, Audio system etc. It will be a remote media streaming and your app will become a remote for it.
We provide Cast Application Framework(CAF) for it. Our plugin is developed on top of Google's designed CAF framework.
Before understanding that how to setup Google cast plugin on Android, let's understand few terms,
Your Android app which gives the user the ability to connect to the casting device, is a Sender Application.
When your sender app connects to the cast device then cast device downloads an script from the server which is actually configured against the CastId for your application. Basically it's a Web receiver Application. How to build a Receiver Application
To register the receiver application, Developers has to register on Google Cast SDK Developer Console. This receiver ID is the gateway for the sender app to communicate with the remote receiver app.
Add GoogleCast plugin dependency to build.gradle
. In android, we keep all plugins aligned with same version.
implementation 'com.kaltura.playkit:googlecast:x.x.x'
You can find the latest version here:
mCastContext = CastContext.getSharedInstance(this)
A Session
is a connection between Sender and Receiver Application. More Info
In this, onApplicationConnected
of SessionManagerListener
callback will help application to load the media.
App will get remoteMediaClient
in the callback onSessionResumed
of SessionManagerListener
. Once app get the remoteMediaClient
then register the listener for RemoteMediaClient.Callback()
This listener has a callback onStatusUpdated
where we will know that there is a nearby casting device and app can connect to that.
Here comes an important step, how the user will get the cast icon,
A menu item can be added for and Activity
This will enable a cast icon in the tool bar menu item.
For the expanded controller for the receiver application. Launch an activity which extents to Cast framework class ExpandedControllerActivity
Then in this activity's menu inflation method, app has to setup the MediaRouteButton
override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
menuInflater.inflate(, menu)
CastButtonFactory.setUpMediaRouteButton(this, menu,
return true
This new acitivity should be launched in ``onStatusUpdatedcallback of
RemoteMediaClient.Callback()` on `remoteMediaClient`,
remoteMediaClient!!.registerCallback(object : RemoteMediaClient.Callback() {
override fun onStatusUpdated() {
val intent = Intent(this@MainActivity,
val castBuilder = KalturaPhoenixCastBuilder()
var mediaInfo: MediaInfo =
val castBuilder = KalturaCastBuilder()
var mediaInfo: MediaInfo =
val castBuilder = KalturaBasicCAFCastBuilder(playbackParams)
var mediaInfo: MediaInfo =
How to create
for Non-Kaltura Customers
val playbackParams = PlaybackParams();
playbackParams.poster = "Poster_URL" = "ID"
playbackParams.duration = Duration
playbackParams.type = "Vod" // For Live "Live" can be set = false
playbackParams.vr = null
// If DASH Widevine source is required
// For Clear DASH
// playbackParams.setDashSource("ID","URL","") // Pass empty License URL
// Another way of passing clear DASH media
// val drmData = DrmData() // This is important to be passed
// drmData.licenseUrl = "" // Empty License URL
// drmData.scheme = PlaybackParams.DRMSCHEME_WIDEVINE
// playbackParams.dash = listOf(Dash("ID","PlaybackURL", PlaybackParams.MIMETYPE_DASH, drmData))
// If HLS source is required
// playbackParams.setHlsSource("ID","PlaybackURL")
// Another way of passing HLS Source
// val hlsSource = Hls()
// = "ID"
// hlsSource.url = "PlaybackURL"
// hlsSource.mimetype = PlaybackParams.MIMETYPE_HLS
// playbackParams.hls = listOf(hlsSource)
// If Progressive Source (Ex. mp4) is required
// playbackParams.setProgressivehSource("ID","PlaybackURL")
// Another way of passing Progressive Source
// val progressiveSource = Progressive();
// = "ID";
// progressiveSource.url = "PlaybackURL";
// progressiveSource.mimetype = PlaybackParams.MIMETYPE_MP4;
// = listOf(progressiveSource)
val metadata: Metadata = Metadata()
metadata.description = "" // Description Text which will be visible on the media on Cast device = "Text Tracks" // Title Text which will be visible on the media on Cast device
metadata.tags = "";
playbackParams.metadata = metadata
playbackParams.captions = // Pass external captions (How to build it is given in the next part of the document)
var pendingResult: PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult>? = null
val loadOptions = MediaLoadOptions.Builder().setAutoplay(true).setPlayPosition(0L).build()
NOTE: In case for Live Media,
should be passedMediaInfoUtils.LIVE_EDGE
.In case, for VOD assets, app wants to pass the start position for the player, this parameter can be used.
pendingResult = remoteMediaClient!!.load(mediaInfo object, loadOptions)
For VAST Ad URL, pass AdUrl in MediaInfoUtils
val adsConfig = MediaInfoUtils.createAdsConfigVastInPosition(startPosition, adTagUrl)
For VMAP, pass AdUrl like this,
val adsConfig = MediaInfoUtils.createAdsConfigVmap(adTagUrl)
For VAST Ad response XML, pass ad response to
MediaInfoUtils.createAdsResponseConfigVastInPosition(startPosition, adResponse)
For VMAP Ad response XML, pass ad response to
Then pass the AdsConfig
object to setAdsConfig
on the respective cast builder object (OTT/OVP or Basic)
OTT: phoenixCastBuilder.setAdsConfig(Ads_Config)
OVP: ovpV3CastBuilder.setAdsConfig(Ads_Config)
is the cast player start position. Let's suppose media is playing back at some position x seconds and when the user connects then app want to media to start from x seconds then use this parameter. This is only meant for VAST ad url/response. It will be one time ad playback.
For VMAP, anyways based on the time offset given in the VMAP, ads will be played.
NOTE : We have IMA Plugin for Ad playback. That is only meant for in app Ad playback. IMA Plugin does not help to play the Ads while using the cast.
For Cast the above given configuration is must to have otherwise Ad will not play in GoogleCast.
Create a list of Caption
private fun getExternalVttCaptions(): List<Caption> {
val caption1 = Caption()
caption1.isDefault = false
caption1.type = "vtt"
caption1.label = "Heb"
caption1.language = "he"
caption1.url = "subtitle_url"
val caption2 = Caption()
caption2.isDefault = false
caption2.type = "vtt"
caption2.label = "Jap"
caption2.language = "ja"
caption2.url = "subtitle_url"
val caption3 = Caption()
caption3.isDefault = false
caption3.type = "vtt"
caption3.label = "Rus"
caption3.language = "ru"
caption3.url = "subtitle_url"
var captions: List<Caption> = mutableListOf(caption1, caption2, caption3)
return captions
And then pass this to the respective cast builder object,
Simply load the next media given in Step - 7 above.