Transportation data imputation (transdim).
[Spatio-temporal forecasting] [Principal component analysis] [Guassian process] [Matrix factorization] [Bayesian matrix and tensor factorization] [Low-rank tensor completion] [Generative Adversarial Nets] [Variational Autoencoder] [Tensor regression] [Poisson matrix factorization] [Graph signal processing] [Graph neural network] [Missing data imputation]
Creating accurate and efficient solutions for the spatio-temporal traffic data imputation and prediction tasks.
- Random missing: each sensor lost their observations at completely random. (simple task)
- Fiber missing: each sensor lost their observations during several days. (difficult task)
- Forecasting without missing values. (simple task)
- Forecasting with incomplete observations. (difficult task)
- add a framework indicating overall studies;
Framework: Tensor completion task and its framework including data organization and tensor completion, in which traffic measurements are partially observed.
Real experiment setting: Observations with 0%, 20% and 40% fiber missing rates during first 56 days are treated as stationary inputs. Meanwhile, there are some rolling inputs for forecasting traffic speed during last 5 days (from Monday to Friday) in a rolling manner.
- describe the core challenges intuitively;
- list main contributions of these studies.
- Best algebraic structure for data imputation.
- The context of urban transportation (e.g., biases).
- Data noise avoidance.
- Competitive imputation and prediction performance.
- Capable of various missing data scenarios.
With the development and application of intelligent transportation systems, large quantities of urban traffic data are collected on a continuous basis from various sources, such as loop detectors, cameras, and floating vehicles. These data sets capture the underlying states and dynamics of transportation networks and the whole system and become beneficial to many traffic operation and management applications, including routing, signal control, travel time prediction, and so on. However, the missing data problem is inevitable when collecting traffic data from intelligent transportation systems.
Publicly available at our Zenodo repository!
(a) Time series of actual and estimated speed within two weeks from August 1 to 14.
(b) Time series of actual and estimated speed within two weeks from September 12 to 25.
The imputation performance of BGCP (CP rank r=15 and missing rate α=30%) under the fiber missing scenario with third-order tensor representation, where the estimated result of road segment #1 is selected as an example. In the both two panels, red rectangles represent fiber missing (i.e., speed observations are lost in a whole day).
LocInt: local interpolation.
- This model considers local information from observations at the neighboring time slots of the missing values.
TRMF: Temporal regularized matrix factorization. [Matlab code is also available!]
- Alleviating hyperparameters setting is a rewarding way.
BGCP: Bayesian Gaussian CP decomposition. [Imputation example - Notebook] [Matlab code is also available!]
BPMF: Bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization.
HaLRTC: High accuracy low rank tensor completion.
GAIN: Generative Adversarial Imputation Nets. [Python code is also available!]
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贝叶斯泊松分解变分推断笔记, by Yixian Chen (陈一贤).
变分贝叶斯推断笔记, by Yixian Chen (陈一贤).
贝叶斯高斯张量分解, by Xinyu Chen (陈新宇).
贝叶斯矩阵分解, by Xinyu Chen (陈新宇).
This work is released under the MIT license.