For architecture simplicity (and problems related to deploy SQL on free subscriptions), inmemory database option is selected.
By default, the project uses a real database. If you want an in memory database, /src/Infrastructure/Dependencies.cs line 13:
var useOnlyInMemoryDatabase = true;
Located under the folder ".ado", you can find the following YAML pipelines:
- main-ci.yml : Dotnet CI pipeline. Build + Test + Publish. Upload artifacts for website and webapp bicep file.
- main-ci-containers-compose.yml : It first creates an ACR and build/push docker containers based on docker compose. WARNING: you need to have an existing RG.
- main-cd-web-aci.yml : deploys container image on ACI using Bicep template. WARNING: you need to provide ACR username and password (using variable group / key vault).Contributor role is for management plane operations to manage key vaults. It does not allow access to keys, secrets and certificates. READ/LIST access needed for used Service Principal in ADO VG. TODO: using managed identity.
Deployment of the Web solution works with the following settings: