Dispatch is the service which dispatches the product after purchase. It is written in GoLang, So wanted to install GoLang.
Install GoLang
yum install golang -y
Configure the application.
Add application User
useradd roboshop
Lets setup an app directory.
mkdir /app
Download the application code to created app directory.
curl -L -o /tmp/dispatch.zip https://roboshop-builds.s3.amazonaws.com/dispatch.zip
cd /app
unzip /tmp/dispatch.zip
Every application is developed by development team will have some common softwares that they use as libraries. This application also have the same way of defined dependencies in the application configuration.
Lets download the dependencies & build the software.
cd /app
go mod init dispatch
go get
go build
We need to setup a new service in systemd so systemctl can manage this service
Setup SystemD Dispatch Service
vim /etc/systemd/system/dispatch.service
Description = Dispatch Service
Load the service.
systemctl daemon-reload
Start the service.
systemctl enable dispatch
systemctl start dispatch