This code isn't setup for testing, I tried and I would have had to have rewritten it. So instead, I'm documenting stuff here.
Firstly, the docker-compose file started by ./stack start doesn't work as you'd expect. It's using a strange entrypoint env var that I can't find anywhere. So first step, comment out # entrypoint: ${LLAMAINDEX_ENTRYPOINT:-tail -f /dev/null}
Next, uncomment the ports definition so you can curl it later:
- 5000:5000
Then the database migrations are run by the code, so just restart the container and they will happen automatically.
Writing manual tests here because there were no automated ones.
Failing test:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"session_id": "123",
"interaction_id": "456",
"filename": "dev/users/f280387e-9a8b-4d21-9482-f09f145bf2a3/sessions/10e120a2-f9b7-4688-baab-56a9848fbb33/inputs/befde1e5-efb7-482d-823e-79bba64f46c9/",
"document_id": "abc",
"document_group_id": "def",
"content_offset": 0,
"content": "hello world"
}' http://localhost:5000/api/v1/rag/chunk
Fix: see llamaindex/src/migrations/versions/