Helpers package for semantic segmentation tasks using U-Net models implemented in Keras.
- Vanilla U-Net implementation based on the original paper
- Customizable U-Net:
- batch norm or/and dropout
- number of starting filters
- number of "unet" conv layers
- U-Net optimized for satellite images based on DeepSense.AI Kaggle competition entry
- Utils:
- Plotting images and masks
- Plotting images masks and predictions with overlay (prediction on top of original image)
- Plotting training history
- Data augmentation helper function
- Notebooks (examples):
- Training custom U-Net for whale tails segmentation example
- Semantic segmentation for satellite images
- Semantic segmentation for medical images
pip install git+
- U-Net implementations in Keras:
- Utils:
[work in progress]
from keras_unet.models import unet_vanilla
model = unet_vanilla.unet_vanilla(input_shape=(512,512,3))
[work in progress]
from keras_unet.models import unet
model = unet.unet(
[work in progress]
from keras_unet.models import unet_satellite
model = unet_satellite.unet_satellite(input_shape=(512,512,3))
history = model.fit_generator(...)
from keras_unet.utils import plot_segm_history
history, # required - keras training history object
metrics=['iou', 'val_iou'], # optional - metrics names to plot
losses=['loss', 'val_loss']) # optional - loss names to plot
from keras_unet.utils import plot_imgs
org_imgs=x_val, # required - original images
mask_imgs=y_val, # required - ground truth masks
pred_imgs=y_pred, # optional - predicted masks
nm_img_to_plot=9) # optional - number of images to plot
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from keras_unet.utils import get_patches
x = np.array("../docs/sat_image_1.jpg"))
print("x shape: ", str(x.shape))
x_crops = get_patches(
img_arr=x, # required - array of images to be cropped
size=100, # default is 256
stride=100) # default is 256
print("x_crops shape: ", str(x_crops.shape))
x shape: (1000, 1000, 3)
x_crops shape: (100, 100, 100, 3)
from keras_unet.utils import plot_patches
print("x_crops shape: ", str(x_crops.shape))
img_arr=x_crops, # required - array of cropped out images
org_img_size=(1000, 1000), # required - original size of the image
stride=100) # use only if stride is different from patch size
x_crops shape: (100, 100, 100, 3)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from keras_unet.utils import reconstruct_from_patches
print("x_crops shape: ", str(x_crops.shape))
x_reconstructed = reconstruct_from_patches(
img_arr=x_crops, # required - array of cropped out images
org_img_size=(1000, 1000), # required - original size of the image
stride=100) # use only if stride is different from patch size
print("x_reconstructed shape: ", str(x_reconstructed.shape))
x_crops shape: (100, 100, 100, 3)
x_reconstructed shape: (1, 1000, 1000, 3)