This script uses a vulnerability discovered in the XML-RPC implementation in WordPress to brute force user accounts. This allows for amplification of hundreds (or thousands) of requests per individual HTTP(s) request. For more details on the attack, see the related blog post on
usage: [-h] [-c COUNT] [-t THREADS] [-u USER] [-l LEVEL]
url wordlist
positional arguments:
url URL of WordPress site to brute force
wordlist Path of the password list to use
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
Number of passwords to send in each request. Default:
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to spawn. Default: 4
-u USER, --user USER WordPress username to brute force. Default: admin
-l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
Log level (1-5). 1 = debug, 5 = critical. Default: 1
$ ./ -c 1500 -u admin wordlists/grimwepa_pw.txt
- Exception handling within threads
- Better feedback in UI. Debug log output works, but it isn't so clean.
- Track number of total requests and attempts