cargo add --git https://github.com/kcl-lang/lib
Write the Code
use kcl_lang::*;
use anyhow::Result;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let api = API::default();
let args = &ExecProgramArgs {
k_filename_list: vec!["main.k".to_string()],
k_code_list: vec!["a = 1".to_string()],
let exec_result = api.exec_program(args)?;
println!("{}", exec_result.yaml_result);
Execute KCL file with args.
use kcl_lang::*;
use std::path::Path;
// File case
let serv = API::default();
let args = &ExecProgramArgs {
work_dir: Path::new(".").join("src").join("testdata").canonicalize().unwrap().display().to_string(),
k_filename_list: vec!["test.k".to_string()],
let exec_result = serv.exec_program(args).unwrap();
assert_eq!(exec_result.yaml_result, "alice:\n age: 18");
// Code case
let args = &ExecProgramArgs {
k_filename_list: vec!["file.k".to_string()],
k_code_list: vec!["alice = {age = 18}".to_string()],
let exec_result = serv.exec_program(args).unwrap();
assert_eq!(exec_result.yaml_result, "alice:\n age: 18");
// Error case
let args = &ExecProgramArgs {
k_filename_list: vec!["invalid_file.k".to_string()],
let error = serv.exec_program(args).unwrap_err();
assert!(error.to_string().contains("Cannot find the kcl file"), "{error}");
let args = &ExecProgramArgs {
k_filename_list: vec![],
let error = serv.exec_program(args).unwrap_err();
assert!(error.to_string().contains("No input KCL files or paths"), "{error}");
Service for formatting a code source and returns the formatted source and whether the source is changed.
use kcl_lang::*;
let serv = API::default();
let source = r#"schema Person:
name: str
age: int
person = Person {
name = "Alice"
age = 18
let result = serv.format_code(&FormatCodeArgs {
source: source.clone(),
assert_eq!(result.formatted, source.as_bytes().to_vec());
Service for formatting kcl file or directory path contains kcl files and returns the changed file paths.
use kcl_lang::*;
let serv = API::default();
let result = serv.format_path(&FormatPathArgs {
path: "./src/testdata/test.k".to_string(),
Service for KCL Lint API, check a set of files, skips execute, returns error message including errors and warnings.
use kcl_lang::*;
let serv = API::default();
let result = serv.lint_path(&LintPathArgs {
paths: vec!["./src/testdata/test-lint.k".to_string()],
assert_eq!(result.results, vec!["Module 'math' imported but unused".to_string()]);
Service for validating the data string using the schema code string, when the parameter schema is omitted, use the first schema appeared in the kcl code.
use kcl_lang::*;
let serv = API::default();
let code = r#"
schema Person:
name: str
age: int
0 < age < 120
let data = r#"
"name": "Alice",
"age": 10
let result = serv.validate_code(&ValidateCodeArgs {
assert_eq!(result.success, true);
Service for building setting file config from args.
use kcl_lang::*;
let serv = API::default();
let result = serv.load_settings_files(&LoadSettingsFilesArgs {
files: vec!["./src/testdata/settings/kcl.yaml".to_string()],
work_dir: "./src/testdata/settings".to_string(),
assert_eq!(result.kcl_options.len(), 1);
Service for renaming all the occurrences of the target symbol in the files. This API will rewrite files if they contain symbols to be renamed. return the file paths got changed.
use kcl_lang::*;
let result = serv.rename(&RenameArgs {
package_root: "./src/testdata/rename_doc".to_string(),
symbol_path: "a".to_string(),
file_paths: vec!["./src/testdata/rename_doc/main.k".to_string()],
new_name: "a2".to_string(),
assert_eq!(result.changed_files.len(), 1);
Service for renaming all the occurrences of the target symbol and rename them. This API won’t rewrite files but return the modified code if any code has been changed. return the changed code.
use kcl_lang::*;
let serv = API::default();
let result = serv.rename_code(&RenameCodeArgs {
package_root: "/mock/path".to_string(),
symbol_path: "a".to_string(),
source_codes: vec![("/mock/path/main.k".to_string(), "a = 1\nb = a".to_string())].into_iter().collect(),
new_name: "a2".to_string(),
assert_eq!(result.changed_codes.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(result.changed_codes.get("/mock/path/main.k").unwrap(), "a2 = 1\nb = a2");
Service for the testing tool.
use kcl_lang::*;
let serv = API::default();
let result = serv.test(&TestArgs {
pkg_list: vec!["./src/testdata/testing/module/...".to_string()],
assert_eq!(result.info.len(), 2);
// Passed case
// Failed case
update_dependencies provides users with the ability to update kcl module dependencies.
use kcl_lang::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::fs::remove_dir_all;
let serv = API::default();
let result = serv.update_dependencies(&UpdateDependenciesArgs {
manifest_path: "./src/testdata/update_dependencies".to_string(),
assert_eq!(result.external_pkgs.len(), 1);
let result = serv.update_dependencies(&UpdateDependenciesArgs {
manifest_path: "./src/testdata/update_dependencies".to_string(),
vendor: true,
assert_eq!(result.external_pkgs.len(), 1);
let vendor_path = Path::new("./src/testdata/update_dependencies/vendor");