diff --git a/doc/core/checkModelStruct.html b/doc/core/checkModelStruct.html
index 90aa5bf6..5189ae79 100644
--- a/doc/core/checkModelStruct.html
+++ b/doc/core/checkModelStruct.html
@@ -305,116 +305,128 @@
SOURCE CODE 'The following reactions have bounds contradicting their reversibility:';
0247 dispEM(EM,throwErrors,model.rxns(model.lb<0 & model.rev==0),trimWarnings);
-0250 if isfield(model,'compOutside')
-0251 EM='The following compartments are in "compOutside" but not in "comps":';
-0252 dispEM(EM,throwErrors,setdiff(model.compOutside,[{''};model.comps]),trimWarnings);
-0253 end
-0256 I=false(numel(model.metNames),1);
-0257 for i=1:numel(model.metNames)
-0258 index=strfind(model.metNames{i},' ');
-0259 if any(index)
-0260 if any(str2double(model.metNames{i}(1:index(1)-1)))
-0261 I(i)=true;
-0262 end
-0263 end
-0264 end
-0265 EM='The following metabolite names begin with a number directly followed by space:';
-0266 dispEM(EM,throwErrors,model.mets(I),trimWarnings);
-0269 if isfield(model,'metFormulas')
-0270 [~, ~, exitFlag]=parseFormulas(model.metFormulas,true,false);
-0271 EM='The composition for the following metabolites could not be parsed:';
-0272 dispEM(EM,false,model.mets(exitFlag==-1),trimWarnings);
-0273 end
-0277 if isfield(model,'metMiriams')
-0278 miriams=containers.Map();
-0279 for i=1:numel(model.mets)
-0280 if ~isempty(model.metMiriams{i})
-0282 for j=1:numel(model.metMiriams{i}.name)
-0284 current=strcat(model.metMiriams{i}.name{j},'/',model.metMiriams{i}.value{j});
-0285 if isKey(miriams,current)
-0286 existing=miriams(current);
-0287 else
-0288 existing=[];
-0289 end
-0290 miriams(current)=[existing;i];
-0291 end
-0292 end
-0293 end
-0296 allMiriams=keys(miriams);
-0298 hasMultiple=false(numel(allMiriams),1);
-0299 for i=1:numel(allMiriams)
-0300 if numel(miriams(allMiriams{i}))>1
-0302 if numel(unique(model.metNames(miriams(allMiriams{i}))))>1
-0303 if ~regexp(allMiriams{i},'^sbo\/SBO:')
-0304 hasMultiple(i)=true;
-0305 end
-0306 end
-0307 end
-0308 end
+0250 if find(model.c)>1 |
+0251 EM='The model has multiple objective functions, which might be intended, but will not allow export to SBML';
+0252 dispEM(EM,false);
+0253 else ~any(model.c)
+0254 EM='The model no objective functions, which might be intended, but will not allow export to SBML';
+0255 dispEM(EM,false);
+0256 end
+0258 EM='The following reactions have contradicting bounds:';
+0259 dispEM(EM,throwErrors,model.rxns(model.lb>model.ub),trimWarnings);
+0262 if isfield(model,'compOutside')
+0263 EM='The following compartments are in "compOutside" but not in "comps":';
+0264 dispEM(EM,throwErrors,setdiff(model.compOutside,[{''};model.comps]),trimWarnings);
+0265 end
+0268 I=false(numel(model.metNames),1);
+0269 for i=1:numel(model.metNames)
+0270 index=strfind(model.metNames{i},' ');
+0271 if any(index)
+0272 if any(str2double(model.metNames{i}(1:index(1)-1)))
+0273 I(i)=true;
+0274 end
+0275 end
+0276 end
+0277 EM='The following metabolite names begin with a number directly followed by space:';
+0278 dispEM(EM,throwErrors,model.mets(I),trimWarnings);
+0281 if isfield(model,'metFormulas')
+0282 [~, ~, exitFlag]=parseFormulas(model.metFormulas,true,false);
+0283 EM='The composition for the following metabolites could not be parsed:';
+0284 dispEM(EM,false,model.mets(exitFlag==-1),trimWarnings);
+0285 end
+0289 if isfield(model,'metMiriams')
+0290 miriams=containers.Map();
+0291 for i=1:numel(model.mets)
+0292 if ~isempty(model.metMiriams{i})
+0294 for j=1:numel(model.metMiriams{i}.name)
+0296 current=strcat(model.metMiriams{i}.name{j},'/',model.metMiriams{i}.value{j});
+0297 if isKey(miriams,current)
+0298 existing=miriams(current);
+0299 else
+0300 existing=[];
+0301 end
+0302 miriams(current)=[existing;i];
+0303 end
+0304 end
+0305 end
+0308 allMiriams=keys(miriams);
-0311 EM='The following MIRIAM strings are associated to more than one unique metabolite name:';
-0312 dispEM(EM,false,allMiriams(hasMultiple),trimWarnings);
-0313 end
-0317 if isfield(model,'inchis')
-0318 inchis=containers.Map();
-0319 for i=1:numel(model.mets)
-0320 if ~isempty(model.inchis{i})
-0322 if isKey(inchis,model.inchis{i})
-0323 existing=inchis(model.inchis{i});
-0324 else
-0325 existing=[];
-0326 end
-0327 inchis(model.inchis{i})=[existing;i];
-0328 end
-0329 end
-0332 allInchis=keys(inchis);
-0334 hasMultiple=false(numel(allInchis),1);
-0335 for i=1:numel(allInchis)
-0336 if numel(inchis(allInchis{i}))>1
-0338 if numel(unique(model.metNames(inchis(allInchis{i}))))>1
-0339 hasMultiple(i)=true;
-0340 end
-0341 end
-0342 end
-0345 EM='The following InChI strings are associated to more than one unique metabolite name:';
-0346 dispEM(EM,false,allInchis(hasMultiple),trimWarnings);
-0347 end
-0348 end
-0350 function I=duplicates(strings)
-0351 I=false(numel(strings),1);
-0352 [J, K]=unique(strings);
-0353 if numel(J)~=numel(strings)
-0354 L=1:numel(strings);
-0355 L(K)=[];
-0356 I(L)=true;
-0357 end
-0358 end
+0310 hasMultiple=false(numel(allMiriams),1);
+0311 for i=1:numel(allMiriams)
+0312 if numel(miriams(allMiriams{i}))>1
+0314 if numel(unique(model.metNames(miriams(allMiriams{i}))))>1
+0315 if ~regexp(allMiriams{i},'^sbo\/SBO:')
+0316 hasMultiple(i)=true;
+0317 end
+0318 end
+0319 end
+0320 end
+0323 EM='The following MIRIAM strings are associated to more than one unique metabolite name:';
+0324 dispEM(EM,false,allMiriams(hasMultiple),trimWarnings);
+0325 end
+0329 if isfield(model,'inchis')
+0330 inchis=containers.Map();
+0331 for i=1:numel(model.mets)
+0332 if ~isempty(model.inchis{i})
+0334 if isKey(inchis,model.inchis{i})
+0335 existing=inchis(model.inchis{i});
+0336 else
+0337 existing=[];
+0338 end
+0339 inchis(model.inchis{i})=[existing;i];
+0340 end
+0341 end
+0344 allInchis=keys(inchis);
+0346 hasMultiple=false(numel(allInchis),1);
+0347 for i=1:numel(allInchis)
+0348 if numel(inchis(allInchis{i}))>1
+0350 if numel(unique(model.metNames(inchis(allInchis{i}))))>1
+0351 hasMultiple(i)=true;
+0352 end
+0353 end
+0354 end
+0357 EM='The following InChI strings are associated to more than one unique metabolite name:';
+0358 dispEM(EM,false,allInchis(hasMultiple),trimWarnings);
+0359 end
+0360 end
+0362 function I=duplicates(strings)
+0363 I=false(numel(strings),1);
+0364 [J, K]=unique(strings);
+0365 if numel(J)~=numel(strings)
+0366 L=1:numel(strings);
+0367 L(K)=[];
+0368 I(L)=true;
+0369 end
+0370 end
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