Dedication ------ none
Authors’ Notes ------ none
Introduction ------ none
5 Settings and Requirements Files ------ none
6 Model Best Practices ------ none
7 Queries and the Database Layer ------ none
8 Function- and Class-Based Views ------ none
9 Best Practices for Function-Based Views ------ none
10 Best Practices for Class-Based Views ------ none
####11 Form Fundamentals ------ G1enY0ung
####12 Common Patterns for Forms ------ G1enY0ung
13 Templates:Best Practices ------ none
14 Template Tags and Filters ------ none
15 Django Templates and Jinja2 ------ none
16 Building REST APIs ------ none
17 Consuming REST APIs ------ none
18 Tradeoffs of Replacing Core Components ------ none
19 Working With the Django Admin ------ none
20 Dealing With the User Model ------ none
21 Django’s Secret Sauce:Third-Party Packages ------ none
22 Testing Stinks and Is a Waste of Money! ------ none
23 Documentation: Be Obsessed ------ none
24 Finding and Reducing Bottlenecks ------ none
25 Asynchronous Task Queues ------ none
26 Security Best Practices ------ none
27 Logging: What’s It For, Anyway? ------ none
####28 Signals: Use Cases and Avoidance Techniques ------ 能所之际
29 What About Those Random Utilities? ------ none
30 Deployment: Platforms as a Service ------ none
31 Deploying Django Projects ------ none
32 Continuous Integration ------ none
33 The Art of Debugging ------ none
34 Where and How to Ask Django Questions ------ none
35 Closing Thoughts ------ none
Appendix A: Packages Mentioned In is Book ------ none
Appendix B: Troubleshooting Installation ------ none
Appendix C: Additional Resources ------ none
Appendix D: Internationalization and Localization ------ none
Appendix E: Settings Alternatives ------ none
Appendix F: Working with Python 3 ------ none
Appendix G: Security Settings Reference ------ none
Acknowledgments ------ none
List of Figures ------ none
List of Tables ------ none
Index ------ none