KyberSwap DEX is now available as a mobile app. In addition to our popular token swap service, App also features a smart crypto wallet that employs innovative security measures to turn your smartphone into a secure Ethereum wallet.
Trade A decentralized exchange on your phone. Exchange (such as ETH -> KNC, DAI -> ETH, BNT -> KNC etc) among 70+ tokens supported by Kyber
Transfer One click service to transfer tokens from one wallet to another wallet. QR code scanner available.
Gift Cards Redeem or unlock gift cards and claim tokens
Live prices and charts Live prices and charts are available for popular tokens
Price alerts Never miss your chance to earn with live price alerts
Import / create wallets Import JSON wallet easily in your mobile phone. Don’t understand JSON ? No worry, You can easily create a new wallet.
12 words and a pen In case your device gets lost, you can secure your wallet and coins with just 12 words written on paper. The master phrase can restore your wallet and funds on any other device.
No ads. No tracking. Always free. Always private. No tracking, no ads or privacy concerns. That’s our promise.