is a tool which can be used as a CLI (Command Line Interface) solution to run the solidity unit tests. This is the same tool which works as a library underneath Remix's Solidity Unit Testing
plugin. It is available on NPM as @remix-project/remix-tests
You can install it using NPM:
- As a dev dependency:
npm install --save-dev @remix-project/remix-tests
- As a global NPM module:
npm install -g @remix-project/remix-tests
To confirm installation, run:
$ remix-tests version
Version should be same as on NPM.
You can see all available options using help
$ remix-tests help
Usage: remix-tests [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --compiler <string> set compiler version (e.g: 0.6.1, 0.7.1 etc)
-e, --evm <string> set EVM version (e.g: petersburg, istanbul etc)
-o, --optimize <bool> enable/disable optimization
-r, --runs <number> set runs (e.g: 150, 250 etc)
-v, --verbose <level> set verbosity level (0 to 5)
-h, --help output usage information
version output the version number
help output usage information
General structure of a command is as:
$ remix-tests <options> <file/directory path>
To run all test files inside examples
$ remix-tests examples/
To run single test file named simple_storage_test.sol
inside examples
$ remix-tests examples/simple_storage_test.sol
NOTE: remix-tests
will assume that name of test(s) file ends with "_test.sol"
. e.g simple_storage_test.sol
Consider for a simple storage contract named simple_storage.sol
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <=0.8.0;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint public storedData;
constructor() public {
storedData = 100;
function set(uint x) public {
storedData = x;
function get() public view returns (uint retVal) {
return storedData;
Test file simple_storage_test.sol
can be as:
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <=0.8.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; // injected by remix-tests
import "./simple_storage.sol";
contract MyTest {
SimpleStorage foo;
function beforeAll() public {
foo = new SimpleStorage();
function initialValueShouldBe100() public returns (bool) {
return Assert.equal(foo.get(), 100, "initial value is not correct");
function initialValueShouldNotBe200() public returns (bool) {
return Assert.notEqual(foo.get(), 200, "initial value is not correct");
function shouldTriggerOneFail() public {
Assert.equal(uint(1), uint(2), "uint test 1 fails");
Assert.notEqual(uint(1), uint(2), "uint test 2 passes");
function shouldTriggerOnePass() public {
Assert.equal(uint(1), uint(1), "uint test 3 passes");
Running simple_storage_test.sol
file will output as:
$ remix-tests simple_storage_test.sol
👁 :: Running remix-tests - Unit testing for solidity :: 👁
'creation of library remix_tests.sol:Assert pending...'
◼ MyTest
✓ Initial value should be100
✓ Initial value should not be200
✘ Should trigger one fail
✓ Should trigger one pass
3 passing (0.282s)
1 failing
1) MyTest: Should trigger one fail
error: uint test 1 fails
expected value to be equal to: 2
returned: 1
Most of the remix-tests
options are there to define a custom compiler context. With an extended custom compiler context, execution of above test file will go as:
$ remix-tests --compiler 0.7.4 --evm istanbul --optimize true --runs 300 simple_storage_test.sol
👁 :: Running remix-tests - Unit testing for solidity :: 👁
[14:03:18] info: Compiler version set to 0.7.4. Latest version is 0.8.0
[14:03:18] info: EVM set to istanbul
[14:03:18] info: Optimization is enabled
[14:03:18] info: Runs set to 300
Loading remote solc version v0.7.4+commit.3f05b770 ...
'creation of library remix_tests.sol:Assert pending...'
◼ MyTest
✓ Initial value should be100
✓ Initial value should not be200
✘ Should trigger one fail
✓ Should trigger one pass
3 passing (0.316s)
1 failing
1) MyTest: Should trigger one fail
error: uint test 1 fails
expected value to be equal to: 2
returned: 1
Rememeber, custom compiler version will require internet connection to load compiler.
can also be used for continuous integration (CI) testing.
For implementation example, see Su Squares contract and Travis build that uses remix-tests
for continuous integration.