Using this method, it is possible set up a network of N nodes within a few minutes.
Merges to master are automatically deployed to under tag hyperledger/iroha-docker
Install docker (at least version 1.12)
You should setup docker swarm:
master node:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr=(insert master node IP here)
worker nodes:
docker swarm join --token=(insert token here, printed out from the previous step)
Then, on master node: -
Create overlay network:
docker network create -d overlay iroha-network
docker service create \
--network iroha-network \
--name configdiscovery \
warchantua/configdiscovery N # replace N with number of nodes
This service does automatic sumeragi.json
config distribution across your network.
WARNING: if you don't use docker swarm, configdiscovery will not work and you have to manage configs by yourself.
docker service create \
--name iroha \
--mode global \
--network iroha-network \
--publish 1204:1204 \
hyperledger/iroha-docker /
--mode global
means that each physical node in swarm (master+workers) will run one container. ↩