Last Update: 7/76
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Univac/Tektronix Graphics System; for 1100 Series Computers, Tektronix Terminals, and Calcomp Plotters. A software package to control Tektronix graphics terminals and Calcomp plotters by Univac 1100 series computers. The package creates simultaneously a display on a screen or Calcomp and a display file on mass storage. This is device-independent and can be subsequently displayed on a Tektronix terminal, a Calcomp plotter, or any other graphics device. This package was contributed by the NATO Saclant ASW Research Center.
1029-001.TXT (ASCII Version, 926K)
1029-002.TXT (ASCII Version, 32K)
1029-003.TXT (ASCII Version, 936K)
1029-004.TXT (ASCII Version, 32K)
1029-005.TXT (ASCII Version, 936K)
1029-006.TXT (ASCII Version, 32K)
- 1029.ZIP (PKZIP Version, 1MB) Files 1029-001.TXT through 1029-006.TXT