Last Update: 3/80
Submitted By: NUC/UOM
The USEPASCAL compiler accepts the full PASCAL language and generates relocatable code compatible with other Univac processors. The compiler allows externally compiled procedures, as well as ASCII FORTRAN subroutines. The compiler uses ASCII RLIB routines for run-time support. It requires about 64K to compile itself. Maintenance for the USEPASCAL system is provided at irregular intervals. USEPASCAL implementation took about one man week. The compiler has been used for two years in graduate computer science courses. It has been virtually bug free.
USEPASCAL has been used to program a communications handler between the Univac 1110 and an ARPANET ELF (PDP 11/40).
1036-001.TXT (ASCII Version, 152K)
1036-002.TXT (ASCII Version, 968K)
1036-003.TXT (ASCII Version, 256K)
1036-004.TXT (ASCII Version, 136K)
1036-005.TXT (ASCII Version, 16K)
1036-006.TXT (ASCII Version, 288K)
- 1036.ZIP (PKZIP Version, 472K) Files 1036-001.TXT through 1036-006.TXT