Last Update: 1/91
Submitted By: SLM
SIP DATA BASE won the 1991 UPLI Contribution Award for the best software submission during 1991.
This package contains a system that was presented at the Fall 1990 Conference in Seattle, Washington. SIP Data Base (SDB 6R2) is compatible with EXEC 39 and PAR levels 5R1 - 6R2B. The package includes the following: a program to create and update the SIP data base; an automated SIP scheduling program; an automated I/O trace scheduling capability based upon certain thresholds being met; a complete set of programs for producing reports and graphs to show 1100/2200 system performance trends from data collected and saved in the SIP data base; and other miscellaneous programs that are especially helpful in tuning cache-disk systems.
1083-001.TXT (ASCII Version, 7.8 MB)
1083-002.TXT (ASCII Version, 4.3 MB)
1083-003.TXT (ASCII Version, 1 MB)
- 1083.ZIP (PKZIP Version, 4 MB)