Last Update: 9/95
Submitted By: COS
ZIP won the 1991 UPLI Contribution Award for the best software submission during 1991.
ZIP is a fast, powerful SDF file processor, written by Ward Condit who won the 1990 UPLI Contribution Award with MARS (1080), that replaces and enhances most of the functions of @ED,R and can outperform it by a factor of ten or more. Version 2R1A is an update to 2R1 and is fully upward compatible. Approximately 10,000 tracks per minute can be processed on an 1100/90 with 8470 discs. In addition to its speed, ZIP features: an internal line index that allows almost instant access to any record that has been read before; large record support (up to 2047 words); low intensity/reverse video display of control character sequences so they can be observed without screen corruption; and ability to extract and reformat fixed portions of data records, including numerical representation of computational fields; ability to preselect a subset of records based on fixed field contents prior to display, locate, extract functions. It incorporates FUSION simulated full-screen processing from CAA (available separately from UUSIG, catalog 1081, for use with other software, such as Unisys' @ED processor).
Release 2R1 has several significant enhancements. It has the ability to process a raw ASCII log as if it was SDF formatted. Each record is edited into a compressed standard format that includes the most commonly used information. The "find address" commands make it easy to locate data in a PMD-format dump, and REFORMAT has some new capabilities. Release 2R1A provides improvements which have been made in the areas of data extraction and record selection. @ED-compatible changes to support column limits for LOCATE have been made. Full source code is included with this release.
Release 3R1 allows you to save and restore symbol definitions across sessions. Output files and elements can now be sorted before being written. There are new commands (IF, ELSE and IFEND) which allow selective execution depending on the "find" or "no find" status from the last LOCATE or FIND. Two new field types have been defined (unsigned and signed packed numeric) which operate the same as the original <UC> and <SC> except that leading zeros are omitted. And level 3R1 has a built-in HELP facility.
Also distributed with ZIP is an updated @BK2 processor. It includes a Z option which invokes the ZIP processor instead of Unisys' @ED editor.
1088-001.TXT (ASCII Version, 904K)
1088-002.TXT (ASCII Version, 152K)
- ZIP3R1B.TXT (TCF to bring 1088-001.TXT up to 3R1b, 48K)
- 1088.ZIP (PKZIP Version, includes TCF, 600K)
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