Last Update: 4/93
Submitted By: Unisys Corporation
The UNISYS RELEASE TAPE is a collection of utilities developed by UNISYS programmers. It includes the following:
ENTAGS - Displays useful EXEC generation tag values and conditions.
CALL - Macro language.
FINDREF - IACULL Front End and Reference Summarizer; Requires SB5 IACULL.
GM UTILITIES - Various System-Programmer Utilities (IDUMP, MS, PRTF, FSTATUS, SQEDIT*EDIT.PRT).
MAKCHGBARS - Automatically puts change bars on changed parts of document.
SCHED - Calendar program.
BREAKOUT - Assist 1100 Host to PC file transfer.
IPF*PROC - Enhance IPF functionality.
COPYW - Copy word addressable files to/from tape.
SCAN - Program file search for character string match.
RESTORE - Reload user file from current backup.
SUSPEND/RESUME - Capture print for demand run.
CANDE - Burroughs tape reading utility.
CONVERT - Assembler XLATION utility.
SUBTYPE - Allows inspection/change of element subtype.
ATAT - Does ER PRTCN$ from runstream.
PRTF - Extension of @PRT,F.
PRTI - Extension of @PRT,I.
COPYWAD/CNVRT-TO-SDF - Copies/converts word addressable files.
CBDUMP - Captures current dump of common bank.
FILEDUMP - Dumps a file in octal.
QUE - Shows page count of print file before @SYM.
TOC -Extension of @PRT,T.
LIST - Gives correction line listing of module.
MESSAGE - Does ER PRINT$ from runstream.
ROCULL - Culls labels in REL or OMN elements.
SECTOR - Reads, writes, displays sectors of files.
SEG - Fast-prototyping interpretive lang.
PFLIST - Creates listing of symbolic elements in file.
RBDUMP - Shows information about relocatables.
RBCOM - Compares two relocatables showing differences.
DO - Provides shortcut syntax for ECL and commands.
SUSPEND, RESUME - Redirects output using @BRKPT.
DIRID - Displays directory information for MHFS.
BREAKPOINT - Captures Input/Output of terminal session.
1097-001.TXT (ASCII Version, 56K)
1097-002.TXT (ASCII Version, 2.2MB)
1097-003.TXT (ASCII Version, 6.9MB)
1097-004.TXT (ASCII Version, 1.8MB)
1097-005.TXT (ASCII Version, 1.1MB)
1097-006.TXT (ASCII Version, 8.3MB)
1097-007.TXT (ASCII Version, 32K)
1097-008.TXT (ASCII Version, 488K)
1097-009.TXT (ASCII Version, 24K)
1097-010.TXT (ASCII Version, 328K)
1097-011.TXT (ASCII Version, 48K)
1097-012.TXT (ASCII Version, 80K)
1097-013.TXT (ASCII Version, 104K)
1097-014.TXT (ASCII Version, 48K)
1097-015.TXT (ASCII Version, 926K)
1097-016.TXT (ASCII Version, 296K)
- 1097.ZIP (ZIP Version, 5.9MB)