Last Update: 4/98
Submitted By: Steve Martin
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The Group W Toolset contains an integrated set of MASM and SSG processors, all of which work on System Base 4 and on both C-series and M-series machines; most also work on System Base 3. Included are processors that read Exec data structures (PCT, MCT, MFD, unit table, symbiont queues), submit console keyins from batch jobs, update MFD attributes (MUSER$ cell, backup data), display English text for DMS and MCB error codes, show keyins as they're typed at any console (including @@CONS), control file placement via extended acquire. Also included is a processor written in C using SLIB. Innovative techniques are used, such as piping data between programs. A general-purpose pipeline subroutine (callable from MASM) is included.
Two additional utility packages are included. CONLST and ALFP are ASCII COBOL processors that report on the ASCII log Audit Trail (ALAT). AUTO is an SSG-based automated scheduling package with powerful selection criteria for specifying when and how to perform tasks such as starting batch jobs or submitting console keyins.
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The files listed below may not be the most current. The latest versions are at: http://www.ntplx.net/~smart
- 1099-001.TXT (ASCII Version, 4.7MB)
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- 1099.ZIP (PKZIP Version, 1 MB)