Last Update: 04/96
Submitted By: Juha Veijalainen
LCompare compares Unisys' LDAIII / LINC model extract and case extract files.
LCompare 1.5.0 is compatible with LDAIII 1.3 and LINCII 15.1 to 16.1 case extract files. LCompare 1.5.0 should be compatible with LDAIII 1.1 / 1.2, but this has not been qualified and is not supported.
LCompare requires Windows 3.1 or better. See documentation for details.
File LCOMP150.ZIP is PKZIP'd. Unzip this file to a diskette or directory and run SETUP.EXE from Windows to install. The lcomp directory contains the files unzipped.
Shareware, free evaluation period of 30 days. (PKZIP Version, 800K)
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