Last Update: 04/98
Submitted By:Steve Martin
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AUTO is an automated scheduling utility for Unisys 1100/2200 computers. AUTO was designed and written by Steve J. Martin. Tom Nelson contributed greatly to testing and packaging AUTO, and he created the SGS that SOLAR can use to install AUTO as a local product.
AUTO allows you to direct that certain tasks be performed at given times on given days. It is written in Symbolic Stream Generator (SSG) and requires SSG level 23R1 or above. If your site has installed System Base (SB) 5R3 or above, then you have the required SSG level; otherwise, see the special instructions below. See the important discussion below on SSG release levels.
Writing AUTO in SSG provides several advantages: development time is minimized; considerable functionality can be provided in few lines of code; all Unisys 1100/2200 sites have SSG, as it's part of the Operating System Group of products. SSG also has a disadvantage: since it's an interpreter, it requires more system resources than does compiled code. I don't think you will find this a problem unless you have a very large schedule or a very small or overworked 2200.
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The files listed may not be the most current. The latest versions are at: http://www.ntplx.net/~smart
1107-001.TXT (ASCII Version, 908K)
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1107.ZIP (PKZIP Version, 198K)