jeremyevans / roda
Forked from soveran/cubaRouting Tree Web Toolkit
A Ruby web framework where your Ruby runs on both server and client
Start a pry session whenever something goes wrong.
Providing additional churn metrics over the original metric_fu churn
News Plugin for RefineryCMS
keithpitty / refinerycms
Forked from refinery/refinerycmsAn extendable Ruby on Rails 'CMS framework' that supports Rails 3
Inquiries engine for Refinery CMS (extracted from the core)
keithpitty / draper
Forked from drapergem/draperDecorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
An RFC for a new series of HTTP status codes covering developer fouls.
keithpitty / mime-types
Forked from mime-types/ruby-mime-typesRuby MIME::Types implementation
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web for Rails asset pipeline.
Hack night attempt at Conway's Game of Life by James Saldler and Keith Pitty
Twitter Bootstrap for Rails 8
Old project for keeping track of business contact and conversations
Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
The Ruby on Rails Oceania (RORO) Sydney meetup
Mercury Editor: The Rails WYSIWYG editor that allows embedding full page editing capabilities directly inline.