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100 Days Of Code - Log for Kelli Wise

My second attempt at completing a full 100 days of code.

I'll be doing a lot of coding privately while I'm working on a client project, so you'll see that there have been commits. You just won't see those commits. I'll post anything public that I can here or on CodePen.

Day 1: April 24, 2018

Today's Progress: I reviewed the course on using GIT. I've done the course before, but I forgot some of it, so I re-watched it. That done, I created a new repo for a custom theme, created a new branch to work on a page template, and did some work on the page template and functions.php file. BTW, I mostly work in WordPress, so there's that.

Thoughts: I really should use GIT more often. It is incredibly handy when you're doing lots of code. I make loads of mistakes, so being able to back out of those mistakes is really fabulous.

Day 2: April 25, 2018

Today's Progress: Worked on some CSS, particularly making home page widget elements in a grid layout. Learned today: overlapping grid cells. also played with using flexbox for navigation items. Learned today: where grid and flex are best used.

Thoughts: Jen Simmons, Rachel Andrews and Chris Coyier are my go-to experts for all things CSS.

Day 3: April 26, 2018

Today's Plan: finalize the home page layout and grid css.

Today's Progress: customizing the customizer functions for the home page.

Day 4: April 27, 2018

Today's Plan: learn how to add background images to home page widgets in the customizer

Today's progress: worked on a way to do all of this in css rather than as a background image.

Day 5: April 28, 2018

Today's Plan: css grid for the homepage with fallbacks

Today's progress: Grid updates

Day 6: April 29, 2018

Today's Plan: css grid for the homepage with fallbacks

Today's progress: Grid updates

Day 7: April 30, 2018

Today's Plan: Finish home page widgets, footer widgets, and site-header area except menu - not completed

Today's progress: worked on menu functionality

Day 8: May 1, 2018

Today's Plan: Finish home page widgets, footer widgets, and site-header area except menu

Today's progress: learned how to set logo height/width and proportion. Also how to use php to change css when logo size is greater than a fixed amount.

// Place menu below logo and center logo once it gets big. $css .= ( has_custom_logo() && ( 200 <= $logo_max_width ) ) ?

Created a custom search form for my theme. Replaced "Search" with an icon. This is done with code in the functions file and with css.

Added a widget area below the main nav for the search form and custom navigation.

Day 9: May 6, 2018

Today's Plan: Start a them using underscores

Today's progress: Added widget areas for header widgets, footer widgets and home page widgets

Day 10: May 7, 2018

Today's Plan: Start a them using underscores

Today's progress: Added footer widget areas assigning css class dynamically. Removed background and header images from the customizer.

Added the social media widget area but it's not inheriting the plugin's styling. Or maybe it's the plugin. Who knows.

Day 11: May 8, 2018

Today's Plan: Finish up the header, footer, and structural elements

Today's progress: Customized the search form. That took all stinking morning, but I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with the dashicon.

Day 12: May 9, 2018

Today's Plan: Home page layout

Today's progress: Home page layout is done. Header styling in process.

Day 13: May 10, 2018

Today's Plan: Structural items

Today's progress: Corrections to html structure of widgets. Done in widgets.php file. Footer widgets gridified. Sat with designer to get colors, fonts, and graphics needed. Discussed navigation needs.

Day 14: May 11, 2018

Today's Plan: Home page layout gridified

Today's progress:

1 - completed about half of Javascript lessons on FreeCodeCamp.

2 - changed colors of header elements

3 - Changed the copyright & site info

4 - Edited the flexbox style for the social widget area

Day 15: May 14, 2018

Today's Plan: sticky header

Today's progress:

Worked on trying to figure out how to get the header to be sticky and resize the logo on scroll

Created a development site and uploaded the theme. Also created the placeholder widgets for the home page and menues.

Day 16: May 15, 2018

Today's Plan: Sticky Header

Today's progress:

1 - Finally figured out how to get the header sticky and logo to resize. Also figured out why the logo wasn't resizing when the page scrolled back to the top.

2 - Created and enqueued the javascript for sticky header. Surprisingly little javascript required.

3 - completed several more javascript lessons on Free code camp

4 - added grid for homepage sections