This repostory contains codes to find out 'classes' of essential modalities of genes from the DepMap project data of the Broad Intitute.
Download and preprocess associated files from DepMap project.
- preprocessing_19q3.r: preprocess the data for further analysis.
Impute and combine CRISPR and shRNA dependency scores.
Essential genes from the combined perturbation scores are identified.
Pathways that are overrepresented among generally or selectively essential genes are identified using gene set enrichment analysis.
- msigdb_gsea_prep.r : objects prep for GSEA
- comp_gsea_eff_sel.r
- plot_stepfun.r
- comp_gsea_eff_sel_assemble_1e7.r
ECHODOTS, a tSNE and DBSCAN-based cluster analysis, is performed among essential genes. See 05_echodots for the details.