A scrollbar plugin for Neovim.
scrlbkun enables Neovim to display the following components at the right edge of windows.
- Scrollbar
- Cursor position
- Positions of matched terms in the search mode
option must be on) - Positions of diagnostics results
- Positions of git hunks (requires gitsigns)
Other features are
- A scrollbar will automatically hide after several seconds (with the default setting, after two seconds).
- Display areas of components can be distributed across multiple columns.
Vim is not supported. It is available only to Neovim.
scrlbkun requires Neovim >= 0.7.0
Switch 'hlsearch'
on to display search results
:set hlsearch
Install and set up gitsigns to display githunks.
You can install the plugin in any way you like, just like any other plugin.
For example, if you use vim-plug,
Plug 'kensyo/nvim-scrlbkun'
Invoke a setup function.
-- use the default configuration
If you use your own configuration, pass a configuration table to the setup funciton like
single_window = false,
cursor = {
enable = false
The default configuration is as follows.
-- If you want to display scrollbars on multiple windows, set to false.
-- If set to true, a display area comes out only on the current window.
single_window = true,
-- zindex of display areas.
zindex = 10,
-- winblend of display areas.
winblend = 40,
-- On these filetypes, scrollbars don't come out.
excluded_filetypes = {"NvimTree"},
-- On these buftypes, scrollbars don't come out.
excluded_buftypes = {"prompt"},
-- Time until a display area is hidden. Specify in milliseconds.
-- If set to 0, a display area isn't hidden over time.
fadeout_time = 2000,
-- The number of columns for display areas of components
width = 3,
-- bar component
bar = {
-- If set to true, the bar component is enabled.
enable = true,
-- The component is drawn at these events.
-- The specification {event_name, patterns} can also be used.
-- For example { "CmdlineLeave", {"/", "\\?", ":"} } is ok.
draw_events = {"WinScrolled", "BufEnter", "FocusGained"},
-- The component is drawn on all the windows in the current tabpage
-- at these events. But if single_window is set to true, draw_events_tab
-- is treated exactly the same as draw_events.
-- As with draw_events, the specification {event_name, patterns}
-- can also be used.
draw_events_tab = {"VimResized", "TabEnter"},
-- When components overlap, the one with the higher priority is drawn.
-- Specify by positive integer.
priority = 100,
-- What number, counting from the left, of the columns allocated
-- by the `width` field should be used to display the component.
-- Specify in an array between 1 and `width`.
draw_columns = {1, 2, 3},
-- A sign for a scrollbar. It is recommended not to change it from
-- the default empty symbol.
sign = " ",
-- cursor component
cursor = {
-- The same as those of the bar component
enable = true,
draw_events = {"BufEnter", "FocusGained", "CursorMoved"},
draw_events_tab = {"VimResized", "TabEnter"},
priority = 200,
draw_columns = {1, 2, 3},
-- Signs for a cursor. Specify in array. If you specify an array of n-elements,
-- then the sign to be used is determined in n more levels depending on the
-- cursor position.
signs = {
-- How to determin the sign to be used. "skip_first" or "normal"
sign_arrangement = "skip_first"
-- search component
search = {
-- The same as those of the bar component
enable = true,
draw_events = {},
draw_events_tab = {
{"/", "\\?", ":"}
{"/", "\\?"}
priority = 500
draw_columns = {1},
-- Signs for search results.
-- If you specify an array of n-elements,
-- then the sign to be used is determined in n more levels depending
-- on the number of matched terms
signs = {
-- If set to true, the 'signs' field is ignored and the plugin uses
-- symbols and an algorithm that allow for just a little more detailed
-- drawing.
use_built_in_signs = true,
-- diagnostics component
diagnostics = {
-- The same as those of the bar component
enable = true,
draw_events = {},
draw_events_tab = {"BufEnter", "DiagnosticChanged", "TabEnter"},
priority = 400,
draw_columns = {2},
-- Signs for diagnostics.
signs = {
-- If you specify an array of n-elements,
-- then the sign to be used is determined in n more levels depending
-- on the number of errors {warns, infos, hints}.
ERROR = {".", ":"},
WARN = {".", ":"},
INFO = {".", ":"},
HINT = {".", ":"},
-- The same as that of the search component
use_built_in_signs = true,
-- githunks component
githunks = {
-- The same as those of the bar component
enable = true,
draw_events = {},
draw_events_tab = {
priority = 300,
draw_columns = {3},
-- Signs for githunks.
signs = {
-- If you specify an array of n-elements,
-- then the sign to be used is determined in n more levels depending
-- on add {delete, change}-hunks length
add = {"│"},
delete = {"▸"},
change = {"│"},
-- The same as that of the search component
use_built_in_signs = true,
You can configure the following highlights.
Lua functions to switch between enable and disable are provided.
-- For enabling
-- For disabling
They are helpful for implementing this plugin, too.
The MIT License