Simple module to access to the subtitles database. This class is a wrapper to the common methods at OS.
If you are installing this using pip
, please use the following format:
pip install -e git+
Before start to running the test (if you are only reading the documentation, of course, you don't need to do it :D) you must provide a correct video path and subtitle path.
>>> from os import path
>>> class Test(object):
... username = 'doctest'
... password = 'doctest'
... # Remember to change the video path if you want to run the test!
... name = 'Dark City'
... path = ('/home/alex/Videos/'
... 'Dark.City.1998.Directors.Cut.BRRip.H264.AAC.5.1ch.Gopo/')
... video = 'Dark.City.1998.Directors.Cut.BRRip.H264.AAC.5.1ch.Gopo.mp4'
... subtitle = ''
Typicall import and creation of the OpenSubitles wrapper.
>>> from pythonopensubtitles.opensubtitles import OpenSubtitles
>>> os = OpenSubtitles()
To most of the OpenSubtitles methods you must send a token, this token is given to you by the api after the use of the login method.
>>> token = os.login('[email protected]', 'badpassword')
>>> assert token == None
>>> token = os.login(Test.username, Test.password)
>>> assert type(token) == str
This token will be saved as an attrib of the OpenSubtitle class, so you don't need to send it always to the methods.
To search subtitles, upload subtitles... a video hash token must be provided. You can find a generator under this module utils.
>>> from pythonopensubtitles.utils import File
>>> f = File(path.join(Test.path,
>>> hash = f.get_hash()
>>> assert type(hash) == str
>>> size = f.size
>>> assert type(size) == str # As str is easier to deal with long sizes
>>> assert long(size) # But even being a string, it can be casted
If you search for a subtitle you will receive a list of all the subtitles saved at server.
>>> data = os.search_subtitles([{'sublanguageid': 'all', 'moviehash': hash, 'moviebytesize': size}])
>>> assert type(data) == list
The info that you got on the method above provides you a imdb id, you must get it to try to upload subtitles.
>>> imdb_id = int(data[0].get('IDMovieImdb'))
>>> assert type(imdb_id) == int
If you don't know the imdb (perhaps the film is very new and it doesn't have subtitles yet), you can search it providing the film name.
>>> data = os.search_movies_on_imdb(
>>> assert type(data) == dict
To know if the subtitle was uploaded correctly, a md5 of the file must be provided.
>>> from pythonopensubtitles.utils import get_md5
>>> md5 = get_md5(path.join(Test.path, Test.subtitle))
>>> assert type(md5) == str
Before upload a subtitle you always need to check if it exists on the database:
>>> params = [{'cd1': [{'submd5hash': md5,
... 'subfilename': Test.subtitle,
... 'moviehash': hash,
... 'moviebytesize': size}]}]
>>> already_in_db = os.try_upload_subtitles(params)
>>> assert type(already_in_db) == bool
If the subtitle isn't on the database yet, you can upload it with the method
You can take the cd1
params from the method above, but for the documentation
is more clear do it this way:
>>> from pythonopensubtitles.utils import get_gzip_base64_encoded
>>> if not already_in_db:
... params = {'baseinfo': {
... 'idmovieimdb': imdb_id},
... 'cd1': {
... 'subhash': md5,
... 'subfilename': Test.subtitle,
... 'moviehash': hash,
... 'moviebytesize': size,
... 'moviefilename':,
... 'subcontent': get_gzip_base64_encoded(path.join(Test.path, Test.subtitle))}}
... url = os.upload_subtitles(params)
... assert type(url) == str
Each 15 minutes you need to ping the server to show that you are alive. To do it use the metho no_operation:
>>> os.no_operation()
Get info of the last version of one of the porgrams at OpenSubtitiles DB.
>>> data = os.auto_update('SubDownloader')
>>> assert 'version' in data.keys()
You can remove your session token with this method:
>>> os.logout()