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Immerse yourself in the world of Gyawun, where music knows no bounds. Enjoy uninterrupted, ad-free streaming with an extensive library of songs spanning genres and artists from every corner of the …
A very compact representation of an image placeholder
Aplicação desenvolvida durante o NLW Setup - Ignite
Created this application with Material Design 3.0, Getx, Supabase and Isar database to learning, showing my skills in Flutter programming and PostgreSQL. This application can convinient to save wis…
Real short video app with firebase and pixels API.Where you can create a short video with pixels' stock videos and also merge your audio.
Robo que realiza consulta de cpfs/cnpj de um arquivo excel buscando o nome do titular e sua situação, e criando uma tabela em outro arquivo excel com esses dados
Instagram Clone using BLOC Pattern in Flutter 2021
Estudos e exercícios realizados durante as aulas de Estrutura de Dados durante o curso.
flutter chat app with firebase , provider and api with all chat app functions
Cloud Functions to trigger a callback when a new message is created
Flutter Chat SDK - Build your own chat app experience using Dart, Flutter and the Stream Chat Messaging API.
Creating complete social media app like instagram, facebook using flutter dart.
Instagram with clean architecture using flutter and firebase. almost include all functions on Instagram
Simple OOP javaScript library to solve linear programs, and mixed integer linear programs
Using Simplex Algo. to solve Linear Optimization Problem.
A chat application that utilizes the smart reply ML model to suggest contextual conversation replies.
CRUD básico e Pesquisa, em Um sistema WEB de que lista filmes, exibindo seu nome, data de lançamento,, preço e classificação, Feito em .Net Core Web e Entity Framework
módulo que gera PDFs de termo de compromisso e convênio relacionados com a dicsiplina de estágio na fatec de presidente prudente , desenvolvido em PHP
An application for showing about my knowledge skills