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Open API spec

The rest-catalog-open-api.yaml defines the REST catalog interface.


To make sure that the open-api definition is valid, you can run the lint command:

make install
make lint

Generate Python code

When updating rest-catalog-open-api.yaml, make sure to update with the spec changes by running the following commands:

make install
make generate

The generated code is not being used in the project, but helps to see what the changes in the open-API definition are in the generated code.

REST Compatibility Kit (RCK)

The REST Compatibility Kit (RCK) is a Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) implementation for the Iceberg REST Specification. This includes a series of tests based on the Java reference implementation of the REST Catalog that can be executed against any REST server that implements the spec.

Test Configuration

The RCK can be configured using either environment variables or java system properties and allows for configuring both the tests and the REST client. Environment variables prefixed by CATALOG_ are passed through the catalog configuring with the following mutations:

  1. The CATALOG_ prefix is stripped from the key name
  2. Single underscore (_) is replaced with a dot (.)
  3. Double underscore (__) is replaced with a dash (-)
  4. The key names are converted to lowercase

A basic environment configuration would look like the following:

CATALOG_URI=                    ## -> uri=
CATALOG_WAREHOUSE=test_warehouse                          ## -> warehouse=test_warehouse       ## ->
CATALOG_CREDENTIAL=<oauth_key>:<oauth_secret>             ## -> credential=<oauth_key>:<oauth_secret>

Java properties passed to the test must be prefixed with rck., which can be used to configure some test configurations described below and any catalog client properties.

An example of the same configuration using java system properties would look like the following:

rck.uri=                    ## -> uri=
rck.warehouse=test_warehouse                          ## -> warehouse=test_warehouse        ## ->
rck.credential=<oauth_key>:<oauth_secret>             ## -> credential=<oauth_key>:<oauth_secret>

Some test behaviors are configurable depending on the catalog implementations. Not all behaviors are strictly defined by the REST Specification. The following are currently configurable:

config default
rck.requires-namespace-create true
rck.supports-serverside-retry true

Running Compatibility Tests

The compatibility tests can be invoked via gradle with the following:

Note: The default behavior is to run a local http server with a jdbc backend for testing purposes, so -Drck.local=false must be set to point to an external REST server.

./gradlew :iceberg-open-api:test --tests RESTCompatibilityKitSuite \
 -Drck.local=false \
 -Drck.requires-namespace-create=true \
 -Drck.uri= \
 -Drck.warehouse=test_warehouse \