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A comprehensive set of tools for editing games using Willplus' AdvHD engine.

GUI Editor

A powerful file manager to browse and edit archives in-place and perform common operations to modify the game.



Recognised file types

Name Description
.arc Archive
.ws2 Script
.dat Video
.ogg Audio
.lua Compiled Lua
.ptf Compressed font
.otf Open type font
.ttf True type font
.pna PNG array archive
.mos Same as .pna but used for masks
.png PNG image
pan.dat Audio panning data?


  • Copy files to and from Windows File Explorer.
  • Extract files from archives.
  • Recursively extract files.
  • Decompile/compile WS2 scripts.
  • Create archives.
  • Edit file in editor or your choice.
  • Add new images to PNA files.
  • Rearrange images in PNA files.
  • Run game with Locale Emulator
  • Set WS2 entry point.
  • Edit character names.
  • Convert compiled Lua to text (does not decompile).
  • Generate diff archives.
  • Find all string references e.g. to an asset file.
  • Find all choice locations.
  • Generate JSON/Mermaid flowchart.
  • Media preview for PNG, OGG, TTF/OTF, text, and hex.

Dokan Virtual Filesystem


Mount an archive as a virtual readonly filesystem.


Install Dokan driver.

Build Ws2Explorer.Dokan.

cd Ws2Explorer.Dokan
dotnet build

Run the executable.

./bin/Debug/net8.0-windows/Ws2Explorer.Dokan.exe path/to/archive [path/to/mountpoint/or/default/to/W:]

Ws2Explorer C# Library

Full API Reference

Quick Start

Create a new C# project.

mkdir Demo
cd Demo
dotnet new console

Add the reference to the Ws2Explorer library.

dotnet add reference path/to/Ws2Explorer/Ws2Explorer.csproj

Add the code to Program.cs to print the files inside an ARC file.

using Ws2Explorer;
using Ws2Explorer.FileTypes;
using Ws2Explorer.HighLevel;

BinaryStream data = await FileTool.ReadFile("Example.arc");
using ArcFile arcFile = await data.Decode<ArcFile>();
// Or use the convenience extension method Task<BinaryStream>.Decode
// to await the BinaryStream and decrement its reference count in the Decode function.
//using ArcFile arcFile = await FileTool.ReadFile("Example.arc").Decode<ArcFile>();

foreach (Ws2Explorer.FileInfo fileInfo in arcFile.ListFiles())
    Console.WriteLine($"{fileInfo.Filename} is {fileInfo.FileSize} bytes");

Run the program.

dotnet run


This example modifies a WS2 file with all uppercase text.

using Ws2Explorer;
using Ws2Explorer.FileTypes;
using Ws2Explorer.HighLevel;
using Ws2Explorer.Compiler;

// Load ARC file
string archivePath = Path.GetFullPath("Rio.arc");
using DisposingList<NamedFolder> folders = await FileTool.OpenFolderHierarchy(archivePath);
if (folders[^1].Folder is not ArcFile arcFile)
    throw new Exception($"{archivePath} is not an ARC file.");

// Modify ARC file
IArchive newArc = await FileTool.ModifyFolder(arcFile, async fileData =>
    // Iterate over each file in the ARC file
    foreach (var (name, data) in fileData.ToList())
        // Decode the data without taking ownership of it
        using IFile file = await data.Decode(decRef: false);

        // Only modify if it is a WS2 file
        if (file is not Ws2File ws2File)

        // Iterate over each instruction
        var newOps = new List<Op>();
        foreach (Op op in ws2File.Ops)
            // If the opcode is DISPLAY_TEXT then change the message string
            if (op.Code == Opcode.DISPLAY_TEXT_14)
                var newArg = Argument.NewMessageString(new MessageString(
                newOps.Add(op.WithArgument(2, newArg));

        // Construct the new WS2 file and insert its stream
        // into the archive. The stream needs to have its reference
        // count incremented. 
        using var newFile = new Ws2File(newOps);
        fileData[name] = newFile.Stream;

// Write changes to filesystem
folders[^1] = folders[^1] with { Folder = newArc };
await FileTool.PropagateModifications(folders);