Simple async HTTP client for concurrently interacting with multiple HTTP servers, fetching URLs, talking to RESTful APIs, downloading files, following redirects etc. all at the same time.
This library is heavily inspired by the great kriswallsmith/Buzz project. However, instead of blocking on each request, it relies on React PHP's EventLoop to process multiple requests in parallel.
React PHP also provides the package react/http-client which provides a streaming HTTP client implementation. That package is ideally suited for accessing streaming APIs or processing huge requests, but requires quite a bit of boilerplate code if all you want to do is to access a normal website or your average RESTful API.
As such, this projects aims at providing a higher level API that is easy to use in order to process multiple HTTP requests concurrently without having to mess with most of the low level details of the underlying react/http-client.
Note: This project is in beta stage! Feel free to report any issues you encounter.
Once installed, you can use the following code to connect to your local http server and send some requests:
$client = new Browser($loop);
$client->get('')->then(function (Response $result) {
var_dump($result->getHeaders(), $result->getBody());
The recommended way to install this library is through composer. New to composer?
"require": {
"clue/buzz-react": "0.1.*"