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293 lines (245 loc) · 8.56 KB

File metadata and controls

293 lines (245 loc) · 8.56 KB

Getting Involved

Even if you do not plan to contribute to Apache Arrow itself or Arrow integrations in other projects, we'd be happy to have you involved:

  • Join the mailing list: send an email to [[email protected]][1]. Share your ideas and use cases for the project.
  • [Follow our activity on JIRA][3]
  • [Learn the format][2]
  • Contribute code to one of the reference implementations

We prefer to receive contributions in the form of GitHub pull requests. Please send pull requests against the [][4] repository.

If you are looking for some ideas on what to contribute, check out the [JIRA issues][3] for the Apache Arrow project. Comment on the issue and/or contact [email protected] with your questions and ideas.

If you’d like to report a bug but don’t have time to fix it, you can still post it on JIRA, or email the mailing list [email protected]

The npm scripts

  • npm run clean - cleans targets
  • npm run build - cleans and compiles all targets
  • npm test - executes tests against built targets

These npm scripts accept argument lists of targets × modules:

  • Available targets are es5, es2015, esnext, and all (default: all)
  • Available modules are cjs, esm, umd, and all (default: all)


  • npm run build -- builds all ES targets in all module formats
  • npm run build -- -t es5 -m all -- builds the ES5 target in all module formats
  • npm run build -- -t all -m cjs -- builds all ES targets in the CommonJS module format
  • npm run build -- --targets es5 es2015 -m all -- builds the ES5 and ES2015 targets in all module formats
  • npm run build -- -t es5 --modules cjs esm -- builds the ES5 target in CommonJS and ESModules module formats

This argument configuration also applies to clean and test scripts.

  • npm run deploy

Uses learna to publish each build target to npm with conventional changelogs.

Updating the Arrow format flatbuffers generated code

Once generated, the flatbuffers format code needs to be adjusted for our TS and JS build environments.


  1. Generate the flatbuffers TypeScript source from the Arrow project root directory:
    cd $ARROW_HOME
    flatc --ts -o ./js/src/format ./format/*.fbs
    cd ./js/src/format
    # Delete Tensor_generated.js (skip this when we support Tensors)
    rm ./Tensor_generated.ts
    # Remove "_generated" suffix from TS files
    mv ./File_generated.ts .File.ts
    mv ./Schema_generated.ts .Schema.ts
    mv ./Message_generated.ts .Message.ts
  2. Remove Tensor import from Schema.ts
  3. Fix all the flatbuffers imports
    import { flatbuffers } from "./flatbuffers" // <-- change
    import { flatbuffers } from "flatbuffers" // <-- to this
  4. Remove _generated from the ES6 imports of the generated files
    import * as NS16187549871986683199 from "./Schema_generated"; // <-- change
    import * as NS16187549871986683199 from "./Schema"; // <------- to this
  5. Add /* tslint:disable:class-name */ to the top of Schema.ts
  6. Execute npm run lint to fix all the linting errors

JavaScript (for Google Closure Compiler builds)

  1. Generate the flatbuffers JS source from the Arrow project root directory
    cd $ARROW_HOME
    flatc --js --no-js-exports -o ./js/src/format ./format/*.fbs
    cd ./js/src/format
    # Delete Tensor_generated.js (skip this when we support Tensors)
    rm Tensor_generated.js
    # append an ES6 export to Schema_generated.js
    echo "$(cat Schema_generated.js)
    export { org };
    " > Schema_generated.js
    # import Schema's "org" namespace and
    # append an ES6 export to File_generated.js
    echo "import { org } from './Schema';
    $(cat File_generated.js)
    export { org };
    " > File_generated.js
    # import Schema's "org" namespace and
    # append an ES6 export to Message_generated.js
    echo "import { org } from './Schema';
    $(cat Message_generated.js)
    export { org };
    " > Message_generated.js
  2. Fixup the generated JS enums with the reverse value-to-key mappings to match TypeScript Message_generated.js
    // Replace this
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MessageHeader = {
      NONE: 0,
      Schema: 1,
      DictionaryBatch: 2,
      RecordBatch: 3,
      Tensor: 4
    // With this
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MessageHeader = {
      NONE: 0, 0: 'NONE',
      Schema: 1, 1: 'Schema',
      DictionaryBatch: 2, 2: 'DictionaryBatch',
      RecordBatch: 3, 3: 'RecordBatch',
      Tensor: 4, 4: 'Tensor'
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MetadataVersion = {
       * 0.1.0
      V1: 0, 0: 'V1',
       * 0.2.0
      V2: 1, 1: 'V2',
       * 0.3.0 -> 0.7.1
      V3: 2, 2: 'V3',
       * >= 0.8.0
      V4: 3, 3: 'V4'
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.UnionMode = {
      Sparse: 0, 0: 'Sparse',
      Dense: 1, 1: 'Dense',
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Precision = {
      HALF: 0, 0: 'HALF',
      SINGLE: 1, 1: 'SINGLE',
      DOUBLE: 2, 2: 'DOUBLE',
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DateUnit = {
      DAY: 0, 0: 'DAY',
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit = {
      SECOND: 0, 0: 'SECOND',
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.IntervalUnit = {
      YEAR_MONTH: 0, 0: 'YEAR_MONTH',
      DAY_TIME: 1, 1: 'DAY_TIME',
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Top-level Type value, enabling extensible type-specific metadata. We can
     * add new logical types to Type without breaking backwards compatibility
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Type = {
      NONE: 0, 0: 'NONE',
      Null: 1, 1: 'Null',
      Int: 2, 2: 'Int',
      FloatingPoint: 3, 3: 'FloatingPoint',
      Binary: 4, 4: 'Binary',
      Utf8: 5, 5: 'Utf8',
      Bool: 6, 6: 'Bool',
      Decimal: 7, 7: 'Decimal',
      Date: 8, 8: 'Date',
      Time: 9, 9: 'Time',
      Timestamp: 10, 10: 'Timestamp',
      Interval: 11, 11: 'Interval',
      List: 12, 12: 'List',
      Struct_: 13, 13: 'Struct_',
      Union: 14, 14: 'Union',
      FixedSizeBinary: 15, 15: 'FixedSizeBinary',
      FixedSizeList: 16, 16: 'FixedSizeList',
      Map: 17, 17: 'Map'
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * The possible types of a vector
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.VectorType = {
       * used in List type, Dense Union and variable length primitive types (String, Binary)
      OFFSET: 0, 0: 'OFFSET',
       * actual data, either wixed width primitive types in slots or variable width delimited by an OFFSET vector
      DATA: 1, 1: 'DATA',
       * Bit vector indicating if each value is null
      VALIDITY: 2, 2: 'VALIDITY',
       * Type vector used in Union type
      TYPE: 3, 3: 'TYPE'
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Endianness of the platform producing the data
     * @enum
    org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Endianness = {
      Little: 0, 0: 'Little',
      Big: 1, 1: 'Big',