- Virginia
(UTC -05:00)
Repository holding the templates for the Ansible Molecule presentation on DevConf.cz 2024
Terraform Google Cloud Platform provider
sudo-bmitch / Training
Forked from 56kcloud/TrainingContainer, Cloud & DevOps Tutorials and Labs
denapom11 / imapex101
Forked from imapex/imapex101Reference Material and Labs for the imapex jumpstart week.
A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
Files and materials for the "Hands-On Practical Network Automation" workshop at Interop ITX 2017 in Las Vegas, NV
deltasierra / DevopsWiki
Forked from andy737/DevopsWikiA wiki of Devops Tools, Tutorials and Scripts
GPGTools / GPGMail
Forked from rca/GPGMailGPG plugin for Apple Mail
lamw / pyvmomi
Forked from vmware/pyvmomiVMware vSphere API Python Bindings
cknic / UltimateUCSBuilder
Forked from Mierdin/UltimateUCSBuilderFork of Mierdin's UCS Builder Script
rlane / rbvmomi
Forked from vmware-archive/rbvmomiRuby interface to the VMware vSphere API. vmware/rbvmomi is the official repo.