Create a Unity plugin to use JamomaModular features in Unity3D.
Current plugin Galunity.dll was created for Unity3D on windows platform, two years ago. It was built using Galalib.dll, based on JamomaModular.dll and JamomaFoundation.dll.
- Create a JamomaModularAPI class (as part of JamomaModular) which has to implement and update all Galalib features to remove Galalib from project and keep only JamomaModular and JamomaFoundation libraries.
- Update and generate JamomaModularForUnity plugin.
Contents :
- bin : JamomaForUnity.dll / .dylib
- doc : Plugin documentation
- lib : JamomaModular and JamomaFoundation libs
- src : Jamoma for Unity 3D wrapper sources