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// 0x509D5878EB39E842 0x2F7AA05C
Object CREATE_OBJECT(cs_type(int) Hash modelHash, float x, float y, float z, BOOL isNetwork, BOOL netMissionEntity, BOOL doorFlag);
Creates an object (prop) with the specified model at the specified position, offset on the Z axis by the radius of the object's model. This object will initially be owned by the creating script as a mission entity, and the model should be loaded already (e.g. using REQUEST_MODEL).
- modelHash: The model to spawn.
- x: Spawn coordinate X component.
- y: Spawn coordinate Y component.
- z: Spawn coordinate Z component, 'ground level'.
- isNetwork: Whether to create a network object for the object. If false, the object exists only locally.
- netMissionEntity: Whether to register the object as pinned to the script host in the R* network model.
- doorFlag: False to create a door archetype (archetype flag bit 26 set) as a door. Required to be set to true to create door models in network mode.
A script handle (fwScriptGuid index) for the object, or 0
if the object failed to be created.
local modelHash = `prop_weed_01` -- The ` return the jenkins hash of a string. see more at: https://cookbook.fivem.net/2019/06/23/lua-support-for-compile-time-jenkins-hashes/
if not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) then
-- If the model isnt loaded we request the loading of the model and wait that the model is loaded
while not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) do
-- At this moment the model its loaded, so now we can create the object
local obj = CreateObject(modelHash, vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), true)
async function Main() {
const modelHash = GetHashKey("prop_weed_01");
if (!HasModelLoaded(modelHash)) {
// If the model isnt loaded we request the loading of the model and wait that the model is loaded
do {
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
} while (!HasModelLoaded(modelHash));
// At this moment the model its loaded, so now we can create the object
let [x, y, z] = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId());
const obj = CreateObject(modelHash, x, y, z, true);