- To be able to build & run the application, download and install Play framework 2.2.2.
- To build and run the application in dev mode, run from command line "play run" in the project directory.
- There is need to investigate the framework to see how one can add parameters to the classpath in dev mode.
To create a deployment package, use "play dist" to create a zip package, or use "play universal:package-zip-tarball" to create a tarball
To run the deployed package with Hadoop properly, some changes needs to be added to the startup script located at ./bin/dr-elephant
in the classpath ("declare -r app_classpath=...") , add to the end of the string, before the end quotes
after the next line ("addJava ... ;"), add new line
addJava "-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_HOME/lib/native/Linux-amd64-64"
- SSH into the machine
- sudo as elephant
- go to /export/apps/elephant/
- To start: ./run.sh
- To kill: ./kill.sh
- To deploy new version:
- scp machine:location-to-drelephant.zip /export/apps/elephant/
- ./kill.sh
- unzip dr-elephant-0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip
- ./run.sh