- add light style for sidebar
- minor bug fix for docs
- remove !important from colors classes
- add new colors bg(fg)-hover-, bg(fg)-active- and bg(fg)-focus-*
- fix METRO_WEEK_START for datepicker
- add pause and resume the animations for live tiles
- add chinese language to calendar and datepicker (By NoGrief)
- fix issue 406 (data-transform)
- add global param METRO_WEEK_START (to set calendar week start: 0 - Sunday (default), 1 - Monday)
- fix show Notify when body no have class .metro
- upd datepicker for support calendar features
- add start from monday for calendar
- add show other days for calendar
- add langs to calendar: en, fr, ua, ru
- bugs fix
- add locale support to calendar, datepicker and Date.format (to global set METRO_LOCALE = 'en' or 'ru', or use data-locale attribute)
- bugs fix
- add notices
- fix color error in treeview
- add minfied js in one file: metro.min.js
- upd treeview, add events for collapse and expand node
- init scroll bar component (prototype)
- upd treeview
- fix bugs
- change dropdown menu default style
- add dropdown menu inverse style
- fix any bugs
- fix any bugs
- fixed minor bugs
- new component streamer (prototype)
- change buttons.less > button:active for remove dead zone tearly text in button
- added new method value to slider
- no responsive module (only prototype)
- no tiles drag feature