OSM Buildings is a JavaScript library for visualizing OpenStreetMap building geometry on 2D and 3D maps.
Please note: we are a very small team with little time for the project and limited funds. You could help us a lot in advancing the project with spreading the word, donations, code contributions and testing.
The library version in this repository is a WebGL only variant of OSM Buildings. At some point it will fully integrate the classic 2.5D version.
For the latest information about the project follow us on Twitter, read our blog, or just mail us at [email protected].
Not sure which version to use?
Source: https://github.com/kekscom/osmbuildings
Best for:
- great device compatibility
- good performance on older hardware
- shadow simulation
- full integration with Leaflet or OpenLayers 2
Source: you are here
Best for:
- great performance on modern graphics hardware
- huge amounts of objects
- combining various data sources
This version uses GLMap for any events and layers logic.
All geo coordinates are in EPSG:4326.
Link all required libraries in your HTML head section. Files are provided in folder /dist
<link rel="stylesheet" href="OSMBuildings/OSMBuildings.css">
<script src="OSMBuildings/OSMBuildings.js"></script>
<div id="map"></div>
In a script section initialize the map and add a map tile layer.
var map = new GLMap('map', {
position: { latitude:52.52000, longitude:13.41000 },
zoom: 16
// add OSM Buildings to the map and let it load data tiles.
var osmb = new OSMBuildings({
minZoom: 15,
maxZoom: 22
attribution: '© Data <a href="http://openstreetmap.org/copyright/">OpenStreetMap</a> · © Map <a href="http://mapbox.com">MapBox</a>'
option | value | description |
position | object | geo position of map center |
zoom | float | map zoom |
rotation | float | map rotation |
tilt | float | map tilt |
bend | float | map bend |
disabled | boolean | disables user input, default false |
minZoom | float | minimum allowed zoom |
maxZoom | float | maximum allowed zoom |
bounds | object | n, e, s, w coordinates of bounds where the map can be moved within |
attribution | string | attribution, optional |
state | boolean | stores map position/rotation in url, default false |
method | parameters | description |
on | type, function | add an event listener, types are: change, resize, pointerdown, pointermove, pointerup |
off | type, fn | remove event listener |
setDisabled | boolean | disables any user input |
isDisabled | check wheether user input is disabled | |
getBounds | returns coordinates of current map view, respects tilt and rotation but ignores perspective | |
setZoom | float | sets current zoom |
getZoom | gets current zoom | |
setPosition | object | sets current geo position of map center |
getPosition | gets current geo position of map center | |
setSize | object | {width,height} sets current map size in pixels |
getSize | gets current map size in pixels | |
setRotation | float | sets current rotation |
getRotation | gets current rotation | |
setTilt | float | sets current tilt |
getTilt | gets current tilt |
option | value | description |
baseURL | string | for locating assets, this is relative to calling page |
minZoom | float | minimum allowed zoom |
maxZoom | float | maximum allowed zoom |
attribution | string | attribution, optional |
showBackfaces | boolean | render front and backsides of polygons. false increases performance, true might be needed for bad geometries, default false |
fogColor | string | color to be used for sky gradients and distance fog. |
backgroundColor | string | overall background color |
fastMode | boolean | enables faster rendering at cost of image quality, consider also removing any effects |
effects | date | date for shadow calculation |
project | latitude, longitude, elevation | transforms a geo coordinate + elevation to screen position |
unproject | x, y | transforms a screen position into a geo coordinate with elevation 0 |
method | parameters | description |
addTo | map | adds it as a layer to a GLMap instance |
addOBJ | url, position, options | adds an OBJ file, specify a geo position and options {scale, rotation, elevation, id, color} |
addGeoJSON | url, options | add a GeoJSON file or object and specify options {scale, rotation, elevation, id, color} |
addGeoJSONTiles | url, options | add a GeoJSON tile set and specify options {bounds, scale, rotation, elevation, id, color} |
addTileLayer | url, options | add a map tile set and specify options {bounds} |
getTarget | x, y, function | get a building id at position. You need to provide a callback function do receive the data. |
highlight | id, color | highlight a given building by id, this can only be one, set color = null in order to un-highlight |
show | function, duration | shows buildings according to a selector function. That function receives parameters id, data of an item |
hide | function, duration | hides buildings according to a selector function. That function receives parameters id, data of an item |
screenshot | function | creates a screenshot from current view and returns it as data url. You need to provide a callback function do receive the data. |
setDate | date | sets a date for shadow calculations |
There is also documentation of OSM Buildings Server side. See https://github.com/OSMBuildings/OSMBuildings/blob/master/docs/server.md
This label moves virtually in space.
<div id="label" style="width:10px;height:10px;position:absolute;z-Index:10;border:3px solid red;"></div>
var label = document.getElementById('label');
map.on('change', function() {
var pos = osmb.project(52.52, 13.37, 50);
label.style.left = Math.round(pos.x) + 'px';
label.style.top = Math.round(pos.y) + 'px';
map.on('pointermove', function(e) {
var id = osmb.getTarget(e.x, e.y, function(id) {
if (id) {
osmb.highlight(id, '#f08000');
} else {
<div class="control tilt">
<button class="dec">↙</button>
<button class="inc">↗</button>
<div class="control rotation">
<button class="inc">↶</button>
<button class="dec">↷</button>
<div class="control zoom">
<button class="dec">-</button>
<button class="inc">+</button>
<div class="control bend">
<button class="dec">A</button>
<button class="inc">V</button>
var controlButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.control button');
for (var i = 0; i < controlButtons.length; i++) {
controlButtons[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var button = this;
var parentClassList = button.parentNode.classList;
var direction = button.classList.contains('inc') ? 1 : -1;
var increment;
var property;
if (parentClassList.contains('tilt')) {
property = 'Tilt';
increment = direction*10;
if (parentClassList.contains('rotation')) {
property = 'Rotation';
increment = direction*10;
if (parentClassList.contains('zoom')) {
property = 'Zoom';
increment = direction*1;
if (parentClassList.contains('bend')) {
property = 'Bend';
increment = direction*1;
if (property) {
map['set'+ property](map['get'+ property]()+increment);
var geojson = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [{
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
color: '#ff0000',
roofColor: '#cc0000',
height: 50,
minHeight: 0
geometry: {
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: [
[13.37000, 52.52000],
[13.37010, 52.52000],
[13.37010, 52.52010],
[13.37000, 52.52010],
[13.37000, 52.52000]
var obj = osmb.addGeoJSON(geojson);
* ## Key codes for object positioning ##
* Cursor keys: move
* +/- : scale
* w/s : elevate
* a/d : rotate
* Pressing Alt the same time accelerates
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
var transInc = e.altKey ? 0.0002 : 0.00002;
var scaleInc = e.altKey ? 0.1 : 0.01;
var rotaInc = e.altKey ? 10 : 1;
var eleInc = e.altKey ? 10 : 1;
switch (e.which) {
case 37: obj.position.longitude -= transInc; break;
case 39: obj.position.longitude += transInc; break;
case 38: obj.position.latitude += transInc; break;
case 40: obj.position.latitude -= transInc; break;
case 187: obj.scale += scaleInc; break;
case 189: obj.scale -= scaleInc; break;
case 65: obj.rotation += rotaInc; break;
case 68: obj.rotation -= rotaInc; break;
case 87: obj.elevation += eleInc; break;
case 83: obj.elevation -= eleInc; break;
default: return;
rotation:parseInt(obj.rotation, 10)