This little library contains extensions for jinja2 that add template tags to jinja2 that you are used to from django templates.
The following tags are included:
There is also an extension for localizing template variables.
This library requires at least Django 1.8 because there official jinja2 support was added.
If you want to use jinja2 templates in older versions of Django, take a look at django-jinja.
This library has been tested on Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5, Jinja 2.7 and 2.8, and Django 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10.
To use the tags, just run install
from the base directory or
pip install jinja2-django-tags
and add the extensions to your TEMPLATES
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'extensions': [
If you want all tags at once use jdj_tags.extensions.DjangoCompat
the extensions
The {% csrf_token %}
tag comes with jdj_tags.extensions.DjangoCsrf
The i18n tags are defined in jdj_tags.extensions.DjangoI18n
The extension also tries to localize variables (such as dates and numbers) if
is set in django settings.
{% trans %}
works as it does in django:
Simple example: {% trans 'Hello World' %}
{% trans "I was saved to a variable!" as translated_var %}
Save to a variable: {{ translated_var }}
Translation with context:
{% trans 'Hello World' context 'second hello world example' %}
Noop translation: {% trans "Please don't translate me!" noop %}
{% blocktrans %}
works as it does in django including with
, trimmed
, count
and asvar
Simple example: {% blocktrans %}Hello World!{% endblocktrans %}
{% url 'my_view' as my_url %}
{% blocktrans with my_upper_url=my_url|upper %}
Normal url: {{ my_url }}
Upper url: {{ my_upper_url }}
{% endblocktrans %}
Trim whitespace and save to variable:
{% blocktrans trimmed asvar translated_var %}
Trim those
pesky newlines.
{% endblocktrans %}
Translated text: {{ translated_var }}
You can also use _
, gettext
and pgettext
Simple example: {{ _('Hello World') }}
More verbose: {{ gettext('Hello World') }}
With context: {{ pgettext('Hello World', 'another example') }}
The {% now %}
tag comes with jdj_tags.extensions.DjangoNow
It works the same as in Django:
Current year: {% now 'Y' %}
{% now 'Y' as cur_year %}
Copyright My Company, {{ cur_year }}
The {% static %}
tag comes with jdj_tags.extensions.DjangoStatic
It works the same as in Django:
My static file: {% static 'my/static.file' %}
{% static 'my/static.file' as my_file %}
My static file in a var: {{ my_file }}
The {% url %}
tag is defined in jdj_tags.extensions.DjangoUrl
It works as it does in django, therefore you can only specify either
args or kwargs:
The jdj_tags.extensions.DjangoL10n
extension implements localization of template variables
with respect to USE_L10N
and USE_TZ
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.utils import timezone, translation
>>> from jinja2 import Extension
>>> env = Environment(extensions=[DjangoL10n])
>>> template = env.from_string("{{ a_number }} {{ a_date }}")
>>> context = {
... 'a_number': 1.23,
... 'a_date': datetime(2000, 10, 1, 14, 10, 12, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
... }
>>> translation.activate('en')
>>> timezone.activate('America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires')
>>> template.render(context)
'1.23 Oct. 1, 2000, 11:10 a.m.'
>>> translation.activate('de')
>>> translation.activate('Europe/Berlin')
>>> template.render(context)
'1,23 1. Oktober 2000 16:10'