These instructions assume:
- apiserver-builder version v0.1-alpha.7 is installed and on the path.
Or build the most recent from src using:
# Install the apiserver-builder commands
go get -u
# Install the reference docs commands (apiserver-builder commands invoke these)
go get -u
go get -u
# Install the code generation commands (apiserver-builder commands invoke these)
go install
go install
go install
From the root kops directory run:
apiserver-boot build generated --generator openapi --copyright hack/boilerplate/boilerplate.go.txt
This will run the openapi-gen code generator and update the openapi definition.
Note: This will print out the generator command that is run, and it is possible to run this directly.
go install
apiserver-boot build docs --disable-delegated-auth=false --output-dir docs/apireference --server kops-server
This will build the apiserver, get the openapi definitions, and write them to
. It will then generate the reference
documentation from the openapi and delete the open api. To keep the swagger.json and
intermediate files, run with --cleanup=false
go install
apiserver-boot run local --build=false --disable-delegated-auth=false --run=etcd --run=apiserver --apiserver=kops-server
This will build and run the apiserver and etcd locally, and create a kubeconfig for kubectl.
kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig api-versions
This will connect to the apiserver with kubectl and print the versions