This project is to encourage and promote real world in-person events by/for the node.js community.
If you're interested in sharing events in your area and how they're being run, please consider submitting a pull request to These projects are partnering to provide a comprehensive view of Node.js events happening at the local user group level and larger conference scale.
If you know about any events that aren't listed please add them to the README and send a pull request.
- Mar 31st- Feb 2nd Berlin, Germany Node.JS Fundamentals training
- April 3rd Melbourne, Australia Melbourne Node.js meetup
- Apr 7th Stuttgart, Germany Pferdle-JavaScript Meetup
- Apr 15th Florence, Italy Commit University
- Apr 16th San Francisco, CA, USA SushiJS
- Apr 17th Saint Louis, MO, USA STLJS: Advanced AngularJS
- Apr 23th Budapest, Hungary Nodebp April
- Apr 23th-25th Budapest, Hungary CraftConf
- Apr 23rd-25th San Francisco, CA, USA Node.JS Fundamentals training
- Apr 26th-27th Hamburg, Germany JS Unconf
- Apr 30th-May 2nd New York City, NY, USA Node.JS Fundamentals training
- May 5th Stuttgart, Germany Pferdle-JavaScript Meetup
- May 5th-6th New York, NY, USA EmpireJS
- May 7th-9th Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Node.JS Fundamentals training
- May 14th-16th Manila, Phillipines Node.JS Fundamentals training
- May 15th Saint Louis, MO, USA STLJS: Node.js and Drupal — Working Together
- May 22nd-23rd Oslo, Norway Web Rebels
- May 23rd-26th Melbourne, Australia CampJS III
- May 28th-30th Amelia Island, FL, USA JSConf
- Jun 2th Stuttgart, Germany Pferdle-JavaScript Meetup
- Jun 19th Saint Louis, MO, USA STLJS: CanJS — Build Better Apps, Faster
- Jun 24th-27th Portland, OR, USA OSBridge
- Jun 27th-28th Lisbon, Portugal, Europe LXJS - Lisbon Javascript Conference
- Jul 4th Weekend Marin County, CA, USA NodeConf 2014
- Jul 7th Stuttgart, Germany Pferdle-JavaScript Meetup
- Jul 17th Saint Louis, MO, USA STLJS: Special Presentation
- Jul 31st-Aug 1st Portland, OR, USA CascadiaJS 2014
- October 9th Oklahoma City, OK, USA Thunder Plains Developer Conference