Usage: new Transaction(arg)
Description: Instantiate a new instance of Transaction that represents a transaction, a set of inputs and outputs to change ownership of tokens
parameters | type | required | Description |
arg | String/Buffer/Object/Transaction | yes |
Returns: {Transaction} A new instance of a Transaction
Description: Create a 'shallow' copy of the transaction, by serializing and deserializing it dropping any additional information that inputs and outputs may have hold.
parameter | type | required | Description |
transaction | Transaction | yes |
Returns : {Transaction} An new copy instance of the provided transaction
Description: Instantiate a Transaction from a string
parameter | type | required | Description |
str | Object | yes | A string of the message |
Returns : {Transaction} An instance of Transaction
Description: Instantiate a Transaction from an object
parameter | type | required | Description |
obj | Object | yes | An JSON string or Object with keys: message |
Returns : {Transaction} An instance of Transaction
Description: Retrieve a hex string that can be used with dashd's CLI interface (decoderawtransaction, sendrawtransaction) Flags that can be used to skip tests:
: disable all checksdisableSmallFees
: disable checking for fees that are too smalldisableLargeFees
: disable checking for fees that are too largedisableIsFullySigned
: disable checking if all inputs are fully signeddisableDustOutputs
: disable checking if there are no outputs that are dust amountsdisableMoreOutputThanInput
: disable checking if the transaction spends more bitcoins than the sum of the input amounts
parameter | type | required | Description |
unsafe | Boolean/Object | yes | unsafe if true, skip all tests. if it's an object, it's expected to contain a set of flags to skip certain tests. |
Returns: {string}
Description: Retrieve a hex string that can be used with dashd's CLI interface (decoderawtransaction, sendrawtransaction)
parameter | type | required | Description |
opts | Boolean/Object | yes | opts allows to skip certain tests. {see Transaction#serialize}. |
Returns: {string}
Description: Retrieve a possible error that could appear when trying to serialize and broadcast this transaction.
parameter | type | required | Description |
opts | Boolean/Object | yes | opts allows to skip certain tests. {see Transaction#serialize}. |
Description: Sets nLockTime so that transaction is not valid until the desired date (a timestamp in seconds since UNIX epoch is also accepted)
parameter | type | required | Description |
time | Date / Number | yes | date instance or timestamp in seconds since UNIX epoch |
Returns: {Transaction}
Description: Sets nLockTime so that transaction is not valid until the valid height
parameter | type | required | Description |
height | Date / Number | yes | block height |
Returns: {Transaction}
Description: Returns a semantic version of the transaction's nLockTime.
If nLockTime is 0, it returns null, if it is < 500000000, it returns a block height (number) else it returns a Date object.
parameter | type | required | Description |
height | Date / Number | yes | block height |
Returns: {number / Date}
Description: Add an input to this transaction.
This is a high level interface to add an input, for more control, use Transaction#addInput.
Can receive, as output information, the output of dashd's listunspent
command, and a slightly fancier format recognized by dashcore:
"address": "yYo3PeSBv2rMnJeyLUCCzx4Y8VhPppZKkC",
"txId": "a477af6b2667c29670467e4e0728b685ee07b240235771862318e29ddbe58458",
"outputIndex": 0,
"script": null,
"satoshis": 1020000
Where address
can be either a string or a dashcore Address object. The same is true for script
, which can be a string or a dashcore Script.
parameter | type | required | Description |
utxo | Array/Object | yes | Array of utxos or single utxo object or representation |
pubkeys | Array | no | In case of a multisigUtxo. |
threshold | Number | no |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Add an input to this transaction. The input must be an instance of the Input
It should have information about the Output that it's spending, but if it's not already set, two additional parameters, outputScript
and satoshis
can be provided.
Using .uncheckedAddInput(input) one can add an input without having the input information checked.
parameter | type | required | Description |
input | Input | yes | Array of utxos or single utxo object or representation |
outputScript | String/Script | no | |
satoshis | Number | no |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Returns true if the transaction has enough info on all inputs to be correctly validated.
Parameters: None.
Returns: {Boolean}
Description: Manually set the fee for this transaction. Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset).
parameter | type | required | Description |
amount | Number | yes | amount in satoshis to be sent |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Manually set the fee per KB for this transaction. Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset).
parameter | type | required | Description |
amount | Number | yes | amount satoshis per KB to be sent |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Set the change address for this transaction. Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset).
parameter | type | required | Description |
address | Address/String | yes | An address for change to be sent to. |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Get the change output if it exists
Parameters: None.
Returns: Output
Description: Add an output to the transaction. Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset).
parameter | type | required | Description |
address | Address/String | yes | An address to send dash to. |
amount | Number | yes | in satoshis |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Add an OP_RETURN output to the transaction. Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset).
parameter | type | required | Description |
value | Buffer / string | yes | value the data to be stored in the OP_RETURN output. In case of a string, the UTF-8 representation will be stored |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Add an output to the transaction.
parameter | type | required | Description |
output | Output | yes | the output to add. |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Remove all outputs from the transaction.
Parameters: None.
Returns: Output
Description: Calculates the fee of the transaction. If there's a fixed fee set, return that.
If there is no change output set, the fee is the total value of the outputs minus inputs.
If there's no fee set and no change address, estimate the fee based on size.
Parameters: None.
Returns: {Number} fee of this transaction in satoshis
Description: Sort a transaction's inputs and outputs according to BIP69
Parameters: None.
Returns: Transaction
Description: Randomize this transaction's outputs ordering. The shuffling algorithm is a version of the Fisher-Yates shuffle, provided by lodash's _.shuffle().
Parameters: None.
Returns: Transaction
Description: Sort this transaction's outputs, according to a given sorting function that takes an array as argument and returns a new array, with the same elements but with a different order. The argument function MUST NOT modify the order of the original array
parameter | type | required | Description |
sortingFunction | Function | yes | sorting function |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Sort this transaction's inputs, according to a given sorting function that takes an array as argument and returns a new array, with the same elements but with a different order.
parameter | type | required | Description |
sortingFunction | Function | yes | sorting function |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Remove a specific input by it's txid and outputindex Parameters:
parameter | type | required | Description |
txid | string | yes | |
outputIndex | number | yes |
Returns: void
Description: Sign the transaction using one or more private keys. It tries to sign each input, verifying that the signature will be valid (matches a public key). Parameters:
parameter | type | required | Description |
privateKey | Array/String/PrivateKey | yes | |
sigType | number | no |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Add a signature to the transaction
parameter | type | required | Description |
signature | Object | yes | An object having inputIndex, sigtype, publicKey and signature |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Check whether the transaction is fully signed
Parameters: None.
Returns: boolean
Description: Check whether the transaction is fully signed
parameter | type | required | Description |
signature | Signature | yes |
Returns: boolean
Description: whether the signature is valid for this transaction input
Parameters: None.
Returns: boolean
Description: Check that a transaction passes basic sanity tests. If not, return a string describing the error. This function contains the same logic as CheckTransaction in bitcoin core.
Parameters: None.
Returns: boolean or reason for failure as a string
Description: Analogous to dashd's IsCoinBase function in transaction.h
Parameters: None.
Returns: boolean
Description: Checks if transaction has DIP2 extra payload
Parameters: None.
Returns: boolean
Description: Set special transaction type and create an empty extraPayload
parameter | type | required | Description |
type | number | yes |
Returns: boolean
Description: Set special transaction extra payload
parameter | type | required | Description |
payload | AbstractPayload | yes |
Returns: boolean
Description: Return extra payload size in bytes.
Parameters: None.
Returns: Number
Description: Parameters: None. Returns: Array
Parameters: None.
Returns: Boolean
Description: Will return an object representation of the transaction
Parameters: None.
Returns: {Object} A plain object with the transaction properties
parameter | type | required | Description |
fundingAmount | Number | yes |
Returns: Transaction
parameter | type | required | Description |
satoshisToBurn | Number | yes | |
publicKeyHash | Buffer | yes |
Returns: Transaction
Description: Gives an OutPoint buffer for the output at a given index
parameter | type | required | Description |
outputIndex | Number | yes |
Returns: Buffer