A programming framework for agentic AI 🤖 (PyPi: autogen-agentchat)
ElevenClock: Customize Windows 11 taskbar clock
React hook to handle any async operation in React components, and prevent race conditions
The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++
BLeak: Automatically Debugging Memory Leaks in Web Applications
🌀 React library to safely render HTML, filter attributes, autowrap text with matchers, render emoji characters, and much more.
An Overlay for Path of Exile. Built with Overwolf and Angular.
A bot for the Path Of Exile Console Discord server, bringing PC-like features over to Consoles.
Optimizes statements such as `forEach` and `map` to for loops.
Chrome DevTools Protocol
API and CLI for generating a markdown TOC (table of contents) for a README or any markdown files. Uses Remarkable to parse markdown. Used by NASA/openmct, Prisma, Joi, Mocha, Sass, Prettier, Orbit …
Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
The up-to-date and reliable Google's libphonenumber package for node.js.
why-did-you-render by Welldone Software monkey patches React to notify you about potentially avoidable re-renders. (Works with React Native as well.)
Starting a new JS app? Build, test and run advanced apps with kyt 🔥
✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
2x faster than JSON.stringify()
Track missing type coverage to ensure type safety
abstract data structures for js with unified api
Project management directly from the TODOs in your codebase
🌍 Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more.
A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
An NLP library for building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more
👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs