- Udacity Front-End Nanodegree Project
- important notes
- how to play
- For contribution
For this project i am using udacity starter code. which includes animation loop , starter game engine code , starter html and CSS code and resource cached code.
- User can use (up , down , left ,right) arrow keys
- with the help of arrow keys user have to cross the road
- there are some bugs on the road which user have to avoid
- there are initially 3 life are given
- if the user collide with the bugs:
- decrease the life by 1
- if no life is remaining then game restarts
- user can purchase the extra life using collectives (5 collectives per life)
- 1-point : cross the river
- 1-collective : collect one object
- flex display property
- event handling using (JS)
- responsive design
- rendering using canvas
- object oriented js