Enos is an quality testing framework that allows composing and executing quality
requirement scenarios as code. For Vault, it is currently used to perform
infrastructure integration testing using the artifacts that are created as part
of the build
workflow. While intended to be executed via Github Actions using
the results of the build
workflow, scenarios are also executable from a developer
machine that has the requisite dependencies and configuration.
Refer to the Enos documentation for further information regarding installation, execution or composing Enos scenarios.
Determining whether to use vault.NewTestCluster()
or Enos for testing a feature
or scenario is ultimately up to the author. Sometimes one, the other, or both
might be appropriate depending on the requirements. Generally, vault.NewTestCluster()
is going to give you faster feedback and execution time, whereas Enos is going
to give you a real-world execution and validation of the requirement. Consider
the following cases as examples of when one might opt for an Enos scenario:
- The feature require third-party integrations. Whether that be networked dependencies like a real Consul backend, a real KMS key to test awskms auto-unseal, auto-join discovery using AWS tags, or Cloud hardware KMS's.
- The feature might behave differently under multiple configuration variants and therefore should be tested with both combinations, e.g. auto-unseal and manual shamir unseal or replication in HA mode with integrated storage or Consul storage.
- The scenario requires coordination between multiple targets. For example, consider the complex lifecycle event of migrating the seal type or storage, or manually triggering a raft disaster scenario by partitioning the network between the leader and follower nodes. Or perhaps an auto-pilot upgrade between a stable version of Vault and our candidate version.
- The scenario has specific deployment strategy requirements. For example, if we want to add a regression test for an issue that only arises when the software is deployed in a certain manner.
- The scenario needs to use actual build artifacts that will be promoted through the pipeline.
- AWS access. HashiCorp Vault developers should use Doormat.
- Terraform >= 1.2
- Enos >= v0.0.10. You can install it from a release channel.
- Access to the QTI org in Terraform Cloud. HashiCorp Vault developers can access a shared token in 1Password or request their own in #team-quality on Slack.
- An SSH keypair in the AWS region you wish to run the scenario. You can use Doormat to log in to the AWS console to create or upload an existing keypair.
- A Vault install bundle downloaded from releases.hashicorp.com or Artifactory
when using the
variants. When using thebuilder:local
variants Enos will build a Vault bundle from the current branch for you.
In CI, each scenario is executed via Github Actions and has been configured using
environment variable inputs that follow the ENOS_VAR_varname
For local execution you can specify all the required variables using environment
variables, or you can update enos.vars.hcl
with values and uncomment the lines.
Variables that are required:
(only required for non-OSS editions)
See enos.vars.hcl or enos-variables.hcl for further descriptions of the variables.
From the enos
# List all available scenarios
enos scenario list
# Run the smoke or upgrade scenario with an artifact that is built locally. Make sure
# the local machine has been configured as detailed in the requirements
# section. This will execute the scenario and clean up any resources if successful.
enos scenario run smoke builder:local
enos scenario run upgrade builder:local
# To run the same scenario variants that are run in CI, refer to the scenarios listed
# in .github/workflows/enos-run.yml under `jobs.enos.strategy.matrix.include`,
# adding `builder:local` to run locally.
enos scenario run smoke backend:consul consul_version:1.12.3 distro:ubuntu seal:awskms builder:local arch:amd64 edition:oss
# Launch an individual scenario but leave infrastructure up after execution
enos scenario launch smoke builder:local
# Check an individual scenario for validity. This is useful during scenario
# authoring and debugging.
enos scenario validate smoke builder:local
# If you've run the tests and desire to see the outputs, such as the URL or
# credentials, you can run the output command to see them. Please note that
# after "run" or destroy there will be no "outputs" as the infrastructure
# will have been destroyed and state cleared.
enos scenario output smoke builder:local
# Explicitly destroy all existing infrastructure
enos scenario destroy smoke builder:local
Refer to the Enos documentation for further information regarding installation, execution or composing scenarios.
There are current two scenarios: smoke
and upgrade
. Both begin by building Vault
as specified by the selected builder
variant (see Variants section below for more
The smoke
scenario creates a Vault cluster using
the version from the current branch (either in CI or locally), with the backend
specified by the backend
variant (raft
or consul
). Next, it unseals with the
appropriate method (awskms
or shamir
) and performs different verifications
depending on the backend and seal type.
The upgrade
scenario creates a Vault cluster using
the version specified in vault_upgrade_initial_release
, with the backend specified
by the backend
variant (raft
or consul
). Next, it upgrades the Vault binary
that is determined by the builder
variant. After the upgrade, it verifies that
cluster is at the desired version, along with additional verifications.
The autopilot
scenario creates a Vault cluster using
the version specified in vault_upgrade_initial_release
. Next, it creates additional
nodes with the candiate version of Vault as determined by the builder
The module uses AWS auto-join to handle discovery and unseals with auto-unseal
or Shamir depending on the seal
variant. After the new nodes have joined and been
unsealed, it waits for Autopilot to upgrade the new nodes and demote the old nodes.
Both scenarios support a matrix of variants. In order to achieve broad coverage while
keeping test run time reasonable, the variants executed by the enos-run
Actions are tailored to maximize variant distribution per scenario.
This variant is designed for use in Github Actions. The enos-run.yml
downloads the artifact built by the build.yml
workflow, unzips it, and sets the
to the zip file and the vault_local_binary_path
to the binary.
This variant is for running the Enos scenario locally. It builds the Vault bundle
from the current branch, placing the bundle at the vault_bundle_path
and the
unzipped Vault binary at the vault_local_binary_path