Open Source software for exploring LDAP directories.
The Korowai, also called the Kolufo, are the people who live in southeastern West Papua in the Indonesian Province of Papua, close to the border with Papua New Guinea. The majority of the Korowai clans live in tree houses on their isolated territory.
Korowai life highly dependent on trees. Similarly, some admins' work depends on LDAP database, which has tree structure.
See documentation on ReadTheDocs.
PHP>=7.1.3 is required. In addition to PHP, you may need to install these packages
apt-get install php-ldap php-xml php-mbstring
After you've just cloned
php bootstrap-dev && php composer install
php vendor/bin/phpunit
./docker-compose run --rm php-test vendor/bin/behat
./docker-compose down
./docker-compose run --rm php-cli vendor/bin/psysh
./docker-compose -f docker-compose.codeclimate.yml run --rm codeclimate analyze
./docker-compose -f docker-compose.codeclimate.yml down
./docker-compose -f docs/docker-compose.yml run --rm sami build
./docker-compose -f docs/docker-compose.yml down
The generated API docs go to docs/build/html/api/
./docker-compose -f docs/docker-compose.yml up sami
./docker-compose -f docs/docker-compose.yml down
The generated API docs go to docs/build/html/api/
and get exposed at
The generated docs go to docs/build/html
and get exposed at