PowerShell utilities for system administrators
U-Boot modification for Mediatek SoC from padavan-ng fork.
Automatic Padavan firmware builds using GitHub servers
Google Chromium, sans integration with Google
Генератор конфига Cloudflare WARP для AmneziaWG
WireGuard client for routers based on Padavan firmware with the function of selective routing of traffic via VPN
Bypasses Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) systems that rely on SNI
WireGuard client for routers with Padavan based firmware
Использование tor или VPN для доступа к заблокированным сайтам
Get Android app updates straight from the source.
App to bypass censorship on Android
Powerful and extensible proxy server with anti-censorship functionality for Android
Watch (parts of) webpages and get notified when something changes via e-mail, on your phone or via other means. Highly configurable.
Captive Portal service with SMS auth for pfsense