What is SubQuery?
SubQuery is an open source project that allows developers to index, transform, and query Substrate chain data to power their applications.
What is the best way to get started with SubQuery?
The best way to get started with SubQuery is to try out our Hello World tutorial. This is a simple 5 min walk through of downloading the starter template, building the project, and then using Docker to run a node on your localhost and running a simple query.
How can I contribute or give feedback to SubQuery?
We love contributions and feedback from the community. To contribute code, fork the repository of interest and make your changes. Then submit a PR or Pull Request. Oh, don't forget to test as well! Also check out our contributions guidelines (coming soon).
How much does it cost to host my project in SubQuery Projects?
Hosting your project in SubQuery Projects is absolutely free - it's is our way of giving back to the community. To learn how to host your project with us, please check out the Hello World (SubQuery Hosted) tutorial.
For further frequently asked questions, please see our FAQ's page.
Whether you're building a new parachain or an entirely new blockchain on Substrate - SubQuery can help you index and troubleshoot your chain's data. SubQuery is designed to easily integrate with a custom Substrate based chain.
LEARN HOW TO INTEGRATE WITH YOUR CHAINHave a question or interested to know more or how you can contribute? We’d love to hear from you. Please contact us via email or social media from the links below. Need technical expertise? Join our Discord community and receive support from our passionate community members.