- Norway
sparse Public
Golang library for working with the Android Sparse Image Format (simg2img)
fsm Public
Forked from looplab/fsmFinite State Machine for Go
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2016 -
spacexstats Public
Small command line utility that parses the webpage spacexstats.com and prints data about upcoming spacex launches + live countdown.
Go BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedFeb 22, 2016 -
nfssh Public
Simple utility to manage my ssh-tunneled NFS mounts (in OSX).
gocql Public
Forked from apache/cassandra-gocql-driverPackage gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra client for the Go programming language.
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 11, 2016 -
hardh264 Public
Forked from bcattle/hardh264H.264 Hardware Encoder in VHDL
VHDL UpdatedJan 3, 2016 -
platform Public
Forked from mattermost/mattermostOpen source Slack-alternative in Golang and React - Mattermost
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 29, 2015 -
dirtymartini Public
Martini is a great Go(lang) library for creating web-related software. A part of what makes it great is that it is very clean and contains few features, making it easy to read and understand the so…
catool Public
Command line utility for creating pki structures and signing certificates.
gocassa Public
Forked from gocassa/gocassaA high level Cassandra library in Go, on top of gocql
Go MIT License UpdatedApr 12, 2015 -
go-parser-reflection Public
Have you ever wanted to Unmarshal a whole JSON / Yaml document in Golang and only update parts of it using your model (struct), before Marshaling it back to disk again?
A jquery-plugin to simplify anchor-onclick-animation-scrolling to href-id.
MIT License UpdatedSep 14, 2014 -
jQuery-plugin for simplifying Animate.css, providing callbacks
RE-for-beginners Public
Forked from wangyif2/RE-for-beginners"Reverse Engineering for Beginners" free book
TeX Other UpdatedJul 21, 2014 -
HardwareNoPwn Public
Chrome extension to remove bothersome css-styles created by website author to prevent AdBlock-usage.
CSS UpdatedSep 28, 2013 -
CppByteArray Public
A simple ByteArray implementation in c++ that includes deflation/inflation using zlib (compression).
nod Public
Forked from casperin/nodjQuery plugin that gives you frontend validation for forms.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 3, 2013 -
bup Public
Forked from apenwarr/bupPlease switch to using the github.com/bup/bup repo instead!
Python Other UpdatedFeb 18, 2013 -
rijndael Public
This was a weekend project I did to learn about Cryptographic concepts. So it was solely implemented for learning purposes.
C++ Other UpdatedFeb 11, 2013 -
php-git-repo Public
Forked from ornicar/php-git-repoProvide an object oriented wrapper to run any Git command. For PHP 5.2 and 5.3.
PHP MIT License UpdatedJan 14, 2013