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Building a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipeline with DSC

Building a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deplyoment pipeline with DSC

This example demonstrates how to build a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline by using PowerShell, DSC, Pester, and Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (TFS).

After the pipeline is built and configured, you can use it to fully deploy, configure and test a DNS server and associated host records. This process simulates the first part of a pipeline that would be used in a development environment.

An automated CI/CD pipeline helps you update software faster and more reliably, ensuring that all code is tested, and that a current build of your code is available at all times.


To use this example, you should be familiar with the following:

What you will need

To build and run this example, you will need an environment with several computers and/or virtual machines.


This is the computer where you'll do all of the work setting up and running the example.

The client computer must be a Windows computer with the following installed:


The computer that hosts the TFS server where you will define your build and release. This computer must have Team Foundation Server 2017 installed.


The computer that runs the Windows build agent that builds the project. This computer must have a Windows build agent installed and running. See Deploy an agent on Windows for instructions on how to install and run a Windows build agent.

You also need to install both the xDnsServer and xNetworking DSC modules on this computer.


This is the computer that is configured as a DNS server by the DSC configuration in this example. The computer must be running Windows Server 2016.


This is the computer that hosts the website this example configures. The computer must be running Windows Server 2016.

Add the code to TFS

We'll start out by creating a Git repository in TFS, and importing the code from your local repository on the client computer. If you have not already cloned the Demo_CI repository to your client computer, do so now by running the following git command:

git clone

  1. On your client computer, navigate to your TFS server in a web browser.

  2. In TFS, Create a new team project named Demo_CI.

    Make sure that Version control is set to Git.

  3. On your client computer, add a remote to the repository you just created in TFS with the following command:

    git remote add tfs <YourTFSRepoURL>

    Where <YourTFSRepoURL> is the clone URL to the TFS repository you created in the previous step.

    If you don't know where to find this URL, see Clone an existing Git repo.

  4. Push the code from your local repository to your TFS repository with the following command:

    git push tfs --all

  5. The TFS repository will be populated with the Demo_CI code.

Note: This example uses the code in the ci-cd-example branch of the Git repo. Be sure to specify this branch as the default branch in your TFS project, and for the CI/CD triggers you create.

Understanding the code

Before we create the build and deployment pipelines, let's look at some of the code to understand what is going on. On your client computer, open your favorite text editor and navigate to the root of your Demo_CI Git repository.

The DSC configuration

Open the file DNSServer.ps1 (from the root of the local Demo_CI repository, ./InfraDNS/Configs/DNSServer.ps1).

This file contains the DSC configuration that sets up the DNS server. Here it is in its entirety:

configuration DNSServer
    Import-DscResource -module 'xDnsServer','xNetworking', 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'

    Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq 'DNSServer'}.NodeName
        WindowsFeature DNS
            Ensure  = 'Present'
            Name    = 'DNS'

        xDnsServerPrimaryZone $
            Ensure    = 'Present'
            Name      = $Node.Zone
            DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DNS'

        foreach ($ARec in $Node.ARecords.keys) {
            xDnsRecord $ARec
                Ensure    = 'Present'
                Name      = $ARec
                Zone      = $Node.Zone
                Type      = 'ARecord'
                Target    = $Node.ARecords[$ARec]
                DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DNS'

        foreach ($CName in $Node.CNameRecords.keys) {
            xDnsRecord $CName
                Ensure    = 'Present'
                Name      = $CName
                Zone      = $Node.Zone
                Type      = 'CName'
                Target    = $Node.CNameRecords[$CName]
                DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DNS'

Notice the Node statement:

Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq 'DNSServer'}.NodeName

This finds any nodes that were defined as having a role of DNSServer in the configuration data, which is created by the DevEnv.ps1 script.

Using configuration data to define nodes is important when doing CI because node information will likely change between environments, and using configuration data allows you to easily make changes to node information without changing the configuration code.

In the first resource block, the configuration calls the WindowsFeature to ensure that the DNS feature is enabled. The resource blocks that follow call resources from the xDnsServer module to configure the primary zone and DNS records.

Notice that the two xDnsRecord blocks are wrapped in foreach loops that iterate through arrays in the configuration data. Again, the configuration data is created by the DevEnv.ps1 script, which we'll look at next.

Configuration data

The DevEnv.ps1 file (from the root of the local Demo_CI repository, ./InfraDNS/DevEnv.ps1) specifies the environment-specific configuration data in a hashtable, and then passes that hashtable to a call to the New-DscConfigurationDataDocument function, which is defined in DscPipelineTools.psm (./Assets/DscPipelineTools/DscPipelineTools.psm1).

The DevEnv.ps1 file:


Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\Assets\DscPipelineTools\DscPipelineTools.psd1 -Force

# Define Unit Test Environment
$DevEnvironment = @{
    Name                        = 'DevEnv';
    Roles = @(
        @{  Role                = 'DNSServer';
            VMName              = 'TestAgent1';
            Zone                = '';
            ARecords            = @{'TFSSrv1'= '';'Client'='';'BuildAgent'='';'TestAgent1'='';'TestAgent2'=''};
            CNameRecords        = @{'DNS' = ''};

Return New-DscConfigurationDataDocument -RawEnvData $DevEnvironment -OutputPath $OutputPath

The New-DscConfigurationDataDocument function (defined in \Assets\DscPipelineTools\DscPipelineTools.psm1) programmatically creates a configuration data document from the hashtable (node data) and array (non-node data) that are passed as the RawEnvData and OtherEnvData parameters.

In our case, only the RawEnvData parameter is used.

The psake build script

The psake build script defined in Build.ps1 (from the root of the Demo_CI repository, ./InfraDNS/Build.ps1) defines tasks that are part of the build. It also defines which other tasks each task depends on. When invoked, the psake script ensures that the specified task (or the task named Default if none is specified) runs, and that all dependencies also run (this is recursive, so that dependencies of dependencies run, and so on).

In this example, the Default task is defined as:

Task Default -depends UnitTests

The Default task has no implementation itself, but has a dependency on the CompileConfigs task. The resulting chain of task dependencies ensures that all tasks in the build script are run.

In this example, the psake script is invoked by a call to Invoke-PSake in the Initiate.ps1 file (located at the root of the Demo_CI repository):



Invoke-PSake $PSScriptRoot\InfraDNS\$fileName.ps1

    Throw "$fileName script failed. Check logs for failure details."

When we create the build definition for our example in TFS, we will supply our psake script file as the fileName parameter for this script.

The build script defines the following tasks:


Runs DevEnv.ps1, which generates the configuration data file.


Installs the modules required by the configuration DNSServer.ps1.


Calls the PSScriptAnalyzer.


Runs the Pester unit tests.


Compiles the configuration (DNSServer.ps1) into a MOF file, using the configuration data generated by the GenerateEnvironmentFiles task.


Creates the folders used for the example, and removes any test results, configuration data files, and modules from previous runs.

The psake deploy script

The psake deployment script defined in Deploy.ps1 (from the root of the Demo_CI repository, ./InfraDNS/Deploy.ps1) defines tasks that deploy and run the configuration.

Deploy.ps1 defines the following tasks:


Starts a PowerShell session on TestAgent1 and installs the modules containing the DSC resources required for the configuration.


Calls the Start-DscConfiguration cmdlet to run the configuration on TestAgent1.


Runs the Pester integration tests.


Runs the Pester acceptance tests.


Removes any modules installed in previous runs, and ensures that the test result folder exists.

Test scripts

Acceptance, Integration, and Unit tests are defined in scripts in the Tests folder (from the root of the Demo_CI repository, ./InfraDNS/Tests), each in files named DNSServer.tests.ps1 in their respective folders.

The test scripts use Pester and PoshSpec syntax.

Unit tests

The unit tests test the DSC configurations themselves to ensure that the configurations will do what is expected when they run. The unit test script uses Pester.

Integration tests

The integration tests test the configuration of the system to ensure that when integrated with other components, the system is configured as expected. These tests run on the target node after it has been configured with DSC. The integration test script uses a mixture of Pester and PoshSpec syntax.

Acceptance tests

Acceptance tests test the system to ensure that it behaves as expected. For example, it tests to ensure a web page returns the right information when queried. These tests run remotely from the target node in order to test real world scenarios. The integration test script uses a mixture of Pester and PoshSpec syntax.

Define the build

Now that we've uploaded our code to TFS and looked at what it does, let's define our build.

Here, we'll cover only the build steps that you'll add to the build. For instructions on how to create a build definition in TFS, see Create and queue a build definition.

Create a new build definition (select the Empty template) named "InfraDNS". Add the following steps to you build definition:

  • PowerShell Script
  • Publish Test Results
  • Copy Files
  • Publish Artifact

After adding these build steps, edit the properties of each step as follows:

PowerShell Script

  1. Set the Type property to File Path.
  2. Set the Script Path property to initiate.ps1.
  3. Add -fileName build to the Arguments property.

This build step runs the initiate.ps1 file, which calls the psake build script.

Publish Test Results

  1. Set Test Result Format to NUnit
  2. Set Test Results Files to InfraDNS/Tests/Results/*.xml
  3. Set Test Run Title to Unit.
  4. Make sure Control Options Enabled and Always run are both selected.

This build step runs the unit tests in the Pester script we looked at earlier, and stores the results in the InfraDNS/Tests/Results/*.xml folder.

Copy Files

  1. Add each of the following lines to Contents:

  2. Set TargetFolder to $(BuildArtifactStagingDirectory)\

This step copies the build and test scripts to the staging directory so that the can be published as build artifacts by the next step.

Publish Artifact

  1. Set Path to Publish to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\
  2. Set Artifact Name to Deploy
  3. Set Artifact Type to Server
  4. Select Enabled in Control Options

Enable continuous integration

Now we'll set up a trigger that causes the project to build any time a change is checked in to the ci-cd-example branch of the git repository.

  1. In TFS, click the Build & Release tab
  2. Select the DNS Infra build definition, and click Edit
  3. Click the Triggers tab
  4. Select Continuous integration (CI), and select refs/heads/ci-cd-example in the branch drop-down list
  5. Click Save and then OK

Now any change in the TFS git repository triggers an automated build.

Create the release definition

Let's create a release definition so that the project is deployed to the development environment with every code check-in.

To do this, add a new release definition associated with the InfraDNS build definition you created previously. Be sure to select Continuous deployment so that a new release will be triggered any time a new build is completed. (How to: Work with release definitions) and configure it as follows:

Add the following steps to the release definition:

  • PowerShell Script
  • Publish Test Results
  • Publish Test Results

Edit the steps as follows:

PowerShell Script

  1. Set the Script Path field to $(Build.DefinitionName)\Deploy\initiate.ps1"
  2. Set the Arguments field to -fileName Deploy

First Publish Test Results

  1. Select NUnit for the Test Result Format field
  2. Set the Test Result Files field to $(Build.DefinitionName)\Deploy\InfraDNS\Tests\Results\Integration*.xml
  3. Set the Test Run Title to Integration
  4. Under Control Options, check Always run

Second Publish Test Results

  1. Select NUnit for the Test Result Format field
  2. Set the Test Result Files field to $(Build.DefinitionName)\Deploy\InfraDNS\Tests\Results\Acceptance*.xml
  3. Set the Test Run Title to Acceptance
  4. Under Control Options, check Always run

Verify your results

Now, any time you push changes in the ci-cd-example branch to TFS, a new build will start. If the build completes successfully, a new deployment is triggered.

You can check the result of the deployment by opening a browser on the client machine and navigating to

Next steps

This example configures the DNS server TestAgent1 so that the URL resolves to TestAgent2, but it does not actually deploy a website. The skeleton for doing so is provided in the repo under the WebApp folder. You can use the stubs provided to create psake scripts, Pester tests, and DSC configurations to deploy your own website.